Jason Manford's ghost story will give you shivers! | BBC Sounds

Jason Manford's ghost story will give you shivers! | BBC Sounds

BBC Sounds

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@Keplxr - 18.01.2024 15:39

Why didn’t he confirm with his daughter if that is the man she saw behind her dad

@rosdavies1382 - 17.01.2024 23:52

I was about 14, weeks lived in an English village and I was riding my bike to meet a friend on a dark night. There was a churchyard to my left and a street light ahead. The churchyard wall was high and the ground was level with the top of it. I saw a lady walking towards me by the wall and when I drew level I turned to say hi, but there was no one there. I didn’t tell anyone because it was too weird. A couple of years later, my dad came in one night and said ‘the strangest thing just happened,’ and described the exact same thing happening to him. Creepy. However, if someone asked me now if I believed in ghosts I’d still be reluctant to say yes, because it’s a hard concept to grasp.

@becca7899 - 09.01.2024 04:03

Children and animals can sense these things and are not jaded by life, media etc like us adults

@marcdewolf7334 - 05.01.2024 20:11

I had a similar experience when I I was selling my house, a neighbour came round [she had her 6 year old daughter with her] to hand something to my wife but my wife was out shopping. I was standing in the doorway talking to her about things in general and I happened to look down at her daughter and noticed her eyes looking up the stairway behind me and I quickly looked behind me as it looked like she had seen something but nothing was there. I continued talking to her mother explaining when my wife would be back and at that point the young girl said 'your not alone in the house as I can see a young girl at the top of your stair, who is she?' I laughed and her mother laughed and I reassured her I was the only person in the house but again she said 'I can see a young girl running around at the top of the stair', I turned and looked and still saw nothing and again reassured her no one was there. She then pointed and said 'She's there' It was at that point her mum said to her that we didn't have children so there couldn't be a child in the house, her mum then said we better get going but I wanted to ask her daughter a description of what she was seeing but her mum just wanted to go as she felt embarrased. I said it's ok for you I've got to go back into an empty house and she was laughing. I went back in and didn't feel anything odd. there was no strange noises or anything strange and never had been. It was a new build house and I had lived there for 8 years and felt nothing odd in that time. The strange thing was when I was 5 years old I saw a ghost of a young woman in my bedroom, stood and looked at her for around a minute and then ran downstairs to tell my mum (I only saw her once in the 20 years I lived there), so I firmly believe children can see things we can't [for what ever reason]. I totally believed the girl as I literally looked at her as her eyes were distracted by movement, I knew she wouldn't have done that as she didn't know I was looking at her. Just bizarre.

@tommydowling9 - 02.01.2024 06:27

You would think they would at least find a photo of him with a moustache if they were going to talk shite.

@Finnv830 - 28.12.2023 23:04

My grandfather died when my mother was only 7. Fast forward 40 years my brother was going through a really tough divorce. His daughter was only about 4or5. After my grandmother died we were going through her pictures. She grabbed his picture all excited and said "this is the man who's been sitting in my bedroom!" she wasn't afraid or scared apparently it gave her comfort.

@jacqulinefoster111 - 24.12.2023 15:47

Day my dad passed we said our goodbyes and i went back to his house our family home . My dad was of ill health for a long time and we had the front room adapted for him all one level. I went back to clean the kitchen .I won't go into details and then settled on the sofa early hours to get a bit of sleep . Uncontrollable grief and sadness overwhelmed me . I was woken at about 6 am to the sound as we usually hear my dad feet patting across the kitchen floors to make a drink . I shouted are you OK???? Just to remember ..he wasn't. I was so sure he was in the kitchen
Later that day we took his van while I travelled back to my home as we set off
The overwhelming smell of brut aftershave and pipe tobacco overwhelmed the van
. Travelling down the motorway twice I heard in my left ear it'll be OK you will be OK
Miss my mum and dad every single day

@smudge0161 - 28.11.2023 02:50

Never believe anything on the BBC.

@pussycats456 - 27.11.2023 12:03

I smell SH1TE!

@JD-kg3mx - 23.11.2023 20:54

Ok, but doesn’t believe in ghosts. What?

@Mysterywhiteboy78 - 23.11.2023 16:22

Ghosts are real. Human consciousness is not produced through the brain.

@CrankyBarista - 22.11.2023 23:18

"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who do not, no proof is possible".
-Stewart Chase

@katbagley3214 - 22.11.2023 00:11

And yet he still doesn't believe in ghosts!?

@ccolavbail1804 - 20.11.2023 08:16

English middle aged man and their shaggy hair….make it stop 😂😂😂😂

@jakezywek6852 - 16.11.2023 14:52

interviewer looks like a young Michael Parkinson.

@Mulberry2000 - 12.11.2023 20:59

i do not believe in ghosts but i believe people go to the afterlife. I was in a library and i suddenly smelt tobacco in the library were i was sitting. i was on the top floor and i am sure if that was the case the librarians would go nuts. its perfectly possible someone had quick cigarette in the hall way at the stairs, yes there were stairs, but i felt the tobacco smell coming from behind me not from the stairs. Immediately i had an overwhelming sense of one person who died about 15 years before. Like i said it could be all coincidence, i certainly was not thinking about him it just came on. Strange eh. I had two operations when i was a kid and i was aware what they were doing to me and i asked a nurse about it she said there was no way you should have as they would have knocked you out. The first one - my eyes were closed and i felt pulling on my stomach, i could not see anything, i do not remember sounds, the second one i could see the doctors and hear them talking and felt the tube go down my throat. No i did not float to the ceiling or go out of body. On both occasions i was lying flat what on what could be an operation table. Strange eh! Third strange situation was when i visited my uncle in hospital. It was very early in the morning around 2.40 am. I was holding my uncle's hand and my wife at the time said lets go he ok , we had a baby a few months old in the next room with friends. Well my uncle squeezed my hand. He then sat up very, very slowly and was looking at the a certain place in the ceiling. I followed his gaze and he was looking at the what i thought was the space between the ceiling and the wall. He sat up at a right angle always looked at that spot, then he slowly lay down and by the time his head hit the pillow he was dead. Eyes still open. Strange eh. I am 100% sure he was seeing something, what i do not know but for him it was important. I never saw anything but damn it was strange though.

@apartly_ - 11.11.2023 21:47

William Terrace has also been seen on the underground stations.

@moldywaffles101 - 11.11.2023 13:44

wait...that's it?

@debrawalters9746 - 11.11.2023 06:43

Typical, not believing in something that his own daughter and others have seen. If it hit him between the eyes he still would say he doesn’t believe. Stubborn fool.

@rolandgustafsson5655 - 10.11.2023 23:29

And still saying he doesn't believe in ghosts,strange 🤔👻

@gunnerzane5230 - 10.11.2023 13:18

Kinda like saying I'm a vegan while eating a steak.

@sandie321 - 09.11.2023 15:02

A few years ago I did the very interesting Wartime Tunnels tour at Dover Castle, where there's an underground hospital, telephone exchange, map room etc. I just happened to be at the end of the line as the guide did a sharp right into another tunnel when standing in front of me was a soldier holding a clipboard. He was in ww2 regulation uniform (I've checked) and as the group disappeared up the other tunnel, he looked up, then looked straight at me, did an about turn, and walked straight through the solid chalk wall behind him! Dumbstruck, I didn't move for a few seconds but quickly ran to catch the tour group up. I wanted to shout about what I'd seen but never said a word. However, on an online site about a year later I found that I hadn't been the only one to see this soldier. Never forgotten it.

@351clevelandmodifiedmotor4 - 09.11.2023 12:30

he's going to get a heck of a freight when he learns ghosts are real

@SAK59 - 09.11.2023 09:55

Not clickbait. That really did give me shivers. Even me timbers was shivering.

@bradnotbread - 08.11.2023 23:12

Stuff like this isn't scary. It's encouraging in that it suggests that bodily death is not 'The End'.

@andrewwye1058 - 08.11.2023 14:08

Define “ghost” - there are lots of entities all over the place that we can’t usually see.

@cherylb2008 - 08.11.2023 00:50

Theatre paranormal
Very interesting

@jkim1316 - 07.11.2023 23:50

I have no respect for skeptics who only believe when they experience something for themselves. Sad he doesn't even believe his kid.

@debbietaylor9094 - 07.11.2023 02:57

I was walking to mcds 1 day with my then 4yearold she said mammy there's a lady walking up there next to the windows a look and see nothing then turned to say she's went in the window. Few weeks later goin in same direction to a supermarket named asda sheseen the lady walking in front of us then she climbed the little wall a asked what she looked like she said she's old like nana with black clothes on lol still freaks me to walk there but go that direction all the time

@manormachine100 - 06.11.2023 04:02

Didn't think of turning round and seeing for himself tho, ok.

@greentorm5467 - 05.11.2023 18:49

If he doesn't believe, why the fear?

@deannfrey3469 - 05.11.2023 17:06

What a great story. ❤

@nathnotez3381 - 05.11.2023 16:06

I seen a ghost on helvellyn mountain there was only me and my brother there coming down it was bad weather I looked back and a man was looking down at me in professional climbing gear I looked to tell my brother and when I looked back again he was gone I don't care if no one believes me alot of people have died in the spot we came down and no people were there because I went into all the places somebody could have been hiding when I seen him I froze couldn't see his face either

@dorothysmith3850 - 05.11.2023 15:53

How can he not believe in ghosts then go on to tell HIS ghost story? 🤔

@hotshit68 - 05.11.2023 13:29

I've seen around 24 25 ghosts two were shadow people.ow and two large orb's and a glowing white cloud in the middle of them.

@1985JM - 05.11.2023 11:50

When we die it is probably like before being born .

@kimrobson6637 - 04.11.2023 18:56

Guess he is making sure nothing happens too you, he is watching over you.

@paulinedrewery3759 - 04.11.2023 15:07

Same thing happened many years ago in my home, my dad had recently died and we were having a family gathering .There was an emty chair in the corner and my little niece kept asking who the man was.I knew of course.

@deirdreheigan1419 - 04.11.2023 12:26

I have seen so many in my lifetime. Even a young man that appears as a living person! For those of you who refuse to believe in an afterlife, who hell cares what you people think!!!!! I am 71 years of age and DO NOT IMAGINE THINGS!!!!!!

@powerbelly211 - 04.11.2023 06:44

Not a ghost story. But as a child I felt someone sit on the end of my bed. When I looked up it was a young man, sat staring into their hands. Shaved head wearing a hooded top. Years later I came home from uni, sat on the end of my bed and started reading some text messages on my phone. I had recently shaved my head and was wearing a hooded tracksuit. It was the exact scene I saw as a child around 13 years earlier. It is my most vivid childhood memory. Strange world.

@187raum - 04.11.2023 03:27

Why didn't he just look at his video feed? This sounds made up.

@natomblin - 04.11.2023 02:35

How odd that he still doesn't believe

@nathankelleher - 03.11.2023 19:54

Anyone else think it was Steve Carell in a wig in the thumbnail?

@oddbod8655 - 03.11.2023 19:34

A few years back my girlfiend invited her friend and husband over to ours. I hadnt met them before. Debbie said to her friend, how are you settling in your new home in Tamworth? The couple went quiet, then said, we ve had some strange noises and events happening in the house, and the dogs keep going mad and barking for no reason.
The husband was working afternoons and she was in the house with the dogs. Late evening there was a bang on her front door, the dogs went nuts. She opened the door slightly but there was no one there, except a man stood down the path, on the pavement the other side of the gate. He was dressed in an odd hat and frumpy clothes. A few days later, a new neighbour invited them around for tea, which they accepted. The neighbour asked how are you settling in, and they told her about the weird events. The neighbour got a photo album out and said this is the old lady who lived in your house for decades. They looked at the photo, and Debbies friend said, whos that man in the strange hat and clothes?" The neighbour said that's the old ladies son he died a few years back. Debbies friend said her blood ran cold and she said he couldn't have because he was outside my house a few days back, wearing the same hat.

@IMHip2 - 03.11.2023 06:00


@foolonthehill731 - 03.11.2023 02:19

Maybe this is the excuse he used on his wife as to why he had a man in uniform with a porn tash in his dressing room. He did say his "Wife at that time" 🤣

@ccasey1904 - 03.11.2023 01:03

I understand from many reliable sources that London’s Underground has many ghosts. 🙋‍♀️🇺🇸

@Myperfectshell - 03.11.2023 00:07

LMAO and he still doesn’t believe in ghosts.
