“Street photography is bad.” || Why photographers hate seeing photographers happy.

“Street photography is bad.” || Why photographers hate seeing photographers happy.

Dee Rosa

10 месяцев назад

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@jamesr124 - 14.09.2023 21:22


@parmanduke - 17.09.2023 05:51

I unsubscribed from TN long time ago. N's are one of the most annoying people on YT.

@davejenx - 22.09.2023 23:24

slagging off boomers thanks

@deniallif - 02.10.2023 01:20

indeed u are spitting

@QKvox - 03.10.2023 10:57

Street photography is one of my favourite genres of photography and the one I do most. The AnalogueCirclejerk subreddit is ironic, same with all circlejerk subreddits, so the people that are in that subreddit most likely agree with you.

@David-yt6kp - 15.10.2023 04:42

Tony Northrup? Consider the source.

@nelsono4315 - 17.10.2023 00:13

great video, Dee. you make some excellent points. I started photography in the mid 80s after having played drums for close to 15 years. Although I did work as a photographer in the military it has never been my profession. Meaning I never put 'photographer' as my occupation when I do my taxes. For me it has always been a hobby. A hobby that I love. I have never been into street photography but do not have any issue whatsoever with the cats that do that. I feel you should photograph whatever makes you happy. Whatever gets your creative juices flowing. Another photographer having success doesn't bother me one bit. Why should it. The only one I am competing with is myself. Sometimes I think people are so damn petty. Work on your craft and don't worry about what everyone else is doing. Hey Tony, shut up about street photography!! You don't like it, don't so it !!!

@James_Marshall92 - 17.10.2023 18:10

I never liked the guy he's such a hippocrite , his reasoning are retired

@audioman99 - 24.10.2023 23:16

Dude. You can’t blame an age group on one’s dude asnine comments. Ugh

@paperben - 09.11.2023 19:19

We drink too much wine her, so it's a good idea to document everything everyday🤣🤣
Cheers ! 🍷🫕🍷

@TheDavveponken - 04.12.2023 07:29

combating an argument with saying they are a boomer, is not combating an argument you know. What video are you refering to? Did he even say this? I highly doubt it. Seems to me you are reacting to a straw man

@IAmToaist - 06.12.2023 04:33

Street Photography is amazing, life is too tense and it eases that tension and writes music out of peoples lives.

@IAmToaist - 06.12.2023 21:40

Came for the street. Stayed for the circle jerk.

@chamereorr676 - 21.12.2023 00:06

Subscribed. Love the candidness of your message. I saw that Thread and seeing so many people agreeing and trying to tear down street photography was so mind numbingly stupid. There are always going to be haters in art, spending all that time that should be spent practicing and contributing trying to hurt people on the internet.
Street/documentary are important and as time changes, we need record of it. All of the serendipitous moments that can be caught makes it a beautiful practice. Hating is for losers and cornballs.
Keep up the awesome videos 👏🏾

@DonFather - 25.12.2023 14:55

Tony Northrup takes photos of birds. All the birds' photos have been already taken in this world. That should end. Speaking of which, I need to head over to unsub from his channel right NOW.

@johnhoey7717 - 26.12.2023 12:57

“Boomer ‘I only care about myself’ Mentality?” That’s painting an entire generation with a very broad brush.

@johnhoey7717 - 26.12.2023 13:01

As a street photographer, I’m of the mindset to NEVER allow anyone to dictate what I choose to capture.

@kif411 - 03.01.2024 01:57

I just stumbled upon your video and must say i love your point of creative inclusivity. I recently picked up a camera and started doing streetphotography and love the creative freedom it has given me.

@eirikTP - 03.01.2024 08:18

tony is just creating controversy to drive traffic. his a gear reviewer, not a photographer.

@Yodayameart - 11.01.2024 00:39

It always hurts me to hear, that people would want to see street photography being cancelled. It’s been one of the art genres, that always gives me energy to keep going, to inspire me, to show me new stuff. It’s a genre i never questioned the purpose of (I am an art student, mainly painting and oh boy; I question that way more often)

@NDakota79 - 19.01.2024 20:54

Landscape Photography should end. There is no point anymore. It's 80% photoshop fakery and AI can do it from scratch now. Btw I'm shit at Landscape Photography.

@fintonmainz7845 - 21.01.2024 03:28

How is the Mona Lisa "useful"?

@rafaelyukioverrinishita3662 - 01.02.2024 15:39

If Tony Northrup was born in the 18th century, he would probably argue that impressionist/realist paintings "should end" for the same reasons.

@awpqq - 01.02.2024 21:42

If street photography were to be ended then every CCTV camera in the land must be taken down - and there are millions of them in the uk. Let's hope it never happens - we need street photography it is of great historical value.

@willgreig8912 - 06.02.2024 00:52

Tony Northup is only interested in Bokeh 😂

@williamkarstens - 06.02.2024 04:45

Ahhh… the age of counter influencers

@cato2k182 - 14.02.2024 20:36

Those last few minutes, I needed to hear that for sure.

@fbowie21 - 18.02.2024 01:42

Tony was born in 1974 so he is not a boomer. I am not a fan at all I only occasionally see his gear demonstration/review videos. I am a couple years older than Tony so I just would like to say I have been called a boomer by younger people such as yourself. It is dismissive and assumptive. Not all people who are older than you are boomers nor do they all share the same brain and have the same thoughts

@DianeBianchi_MNStormSpotter - 23.02.2024 17:48

What is boomer mentality? Never heard of it, and I was born in the baby boomer years. With that being said, I agree we need to document. I've worked in museums, and photographs are extremely useful and valuable for many reasons. The only thing I'm concerned about is the digital format and not having print photographs preserved for future generations. There are so many issues with saving photographs using current technology which I won't get into with this post.

@mrtonysantos - 27.02.2024 08:48

The self proclaimed photo-royals in their ivory towers don't like street because it's one of the styles of photography that doesn't require multi-thousand dollar equipment (that can be linked in their description) and can be done with many variables... Film-Digital, SLR-Rangefinder, Short-Medium-Long lenses, Zooms-Primes... And the varying styles like in-your-face, reflections, blurs, moving elements, geometrics, light and shadows... The Northrops (among others) make money on exactitudes and street is the exact opposite

@thegreatsiberianitch - 02.03.2024 07:16

Cut the "boomer" blaming. Use your big boy words.

@IC7100 - 11.03.2024 12:31

Who cares what a hasbeen like Tony three little birdies say dude??? Do what you do best and pay no mind to mainstream nerds

@thenomaddad - 13.03.2024 05:54

Why do you target boomers? I don't understand the purpose of this video. Click bait???

@gothamindembaum - 16.03.2024 10:04

Tony Northrop is a ridiculous clown. Confirmed. Amazing.

@gothamindembaum - 16.03.2024 10:07

Tony Northrop can’t photograph a kids birthday party let alone NYC street photography. Just a complete joker right up there with Hugh Brownstone and his ridiculous left wing political rants and Leica simping.

@robertordonez9242 - 02.04.2024 08:08

Street photography sucks now. Very few people and I mean very few can do it right. All the masters documented an era that has come and gone. In order for this era of street photography to be interesting 30 years needs to pass. Why do you think when you modern photos with classical elements such as an old car, a suited up person, women wearing a sundress is so appealing? Versus taking a picture of a couple taking a selfie wearing fast fashion of today is boring. It’s perception. Street photography is fun, and can make you a better photographer, but you can hardly make a career out of it.

@justamanwithanopinion - 08.04.2024 19:14

People can do what they want. Except watermark their images. Then they should be unhappy.

@xxyyzz343 - 13.04.2024 16:00


@trojanhman8136 - 02.05.2024 09:05

Hold on lol. I think you genuinely misunderstand what Northrupt was doing. He said all of that for marketing purposes. He doesn't care if people do or don't do street. He doesn't care or not if people on the street are upset by getting their photo taken. The purpose of the post was to get hits. If you make outlandish statements or statelets that anger people or cause great emotion, you get hits. So that is what he does.

@gregmarcus3064 - 12.05.2024 11:36

Eff Toneh! Who cares! Pursue your passion. It's just click bait.

@scke3717 - 12.05.2024 16:16

You had nothing to any real discussion of putting limits on street photography. And saying three times that you’re not trying to insult Tony, after insulting him for perhaps where he lives and not seen homeless people, both points being completely irrelevant to the discussion, means you lose credibility on this video.I guess it was a slow day trying to figure out what content to put up?

@GPTMagana - 22.05.2024 20:23

Street photography (and also fine art, abstract, and surreal photography) is where I feel the most honest with my photography style and the happiest with myself. There aren't a lot of expectations that is often seen in portrait photoshoots. Where "clients" are king where it comes to portrait photoshoots. And I simply dislike pursuing portrait photoshoots and stayed in my established lane of "street photography". I don't like being told that I should be asking permission or seek consent to people before photographing them on the streets. My favourite subjects to photograph are often the special ed population and People With Disabilities. Nothing inspirational with that. Only a matter of documenting the members of society that are overlooked by others. I have an ongoing pet project with photographing a local Special Olympics sports events, completely freelance and "self-assigned". Because a lot of young photographers seem to only photographed the tourist areas and may prefer to avoid photographing the homeless and special ed population.

I feel like if my art medium is just a guy with a camera: it's going to be in the lines of Mary Ellen Mark, Matt Weber, Garry WInogrand, and so on... Street photography is generally "harder" than most genres as what other people have said; but I could NEVER care less about that general statement. In my full-time career of two and a half years: street photography is something I lived on since where there aren't so many rules other than watching property lines set by commercial businesses, security guards, and landowners.

@Fuchs85DE - 24.05.2024 14:19

Who listens to Toneh? I mean he is technically good but his political views are cringe...
Anyway he has so much Toneh in his photos so nobody will be recognised... ;-)

@JamesWilliams-uq1pm - 24.05.2024 23:19

Excellent thoughts, just stumbled on this video. I agree with most of your takes for sure. Keep it up. I have seen many of your videos in the past. But this is the first time that I saw you express some views that needs to be said. Thanks again.

@JamesWilliams-uq1pm - 24.05.2024 23:22


@freaker126 - 26.06.2024 16:00

personally, i don't care. i just started learning and doing photography after finally getting my own camera for decades. back then, i didn't have the time or money. but, i always though it would be cool to own a camera and doing photography. it's kinda the same for cycling. when i bought a mtb, there are literally jerks online bashing my bike. when i bought a fixie or road bike, it's the same. so it's not just in photography. there're idiots everywhere who thinks their bikes or camera better then yours. all i want is to have fun and hope to share it with anyone who have same interests. lol

@jimmyhinAK - 31.07.2023 13:10

I was born in 1963 so i am a tall end boomer we are not all jacked up in our thought process. In my non professional opinion i believe we should document everything we can because technology changes at a rapid pace. Not to mention future generations can hopefully have an objective view of how we lived and learn something from us the way past generations have passed things on to us.


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