Asmongold Reacts to "The Collecting Experience" | by Captain Grim

Asmongold Reacts to "The Collecting Experience" | by Captain Grim

Asmongold TV

1 год назад

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@MrMedukneusha - 19.12.2023 13:06

got invinsible on my 3rd lk kill, i was only there for the music sheet

@greatsentinel6964 - 25.09.2023 20:48

farming this mount for so long and then my friend who just bought the game came along and he doesnt know what this mount mean and he got it and i gave up at that point

@tarroes8797 - 07.01.2023 18:39

Easiest way to get the achievement, imo, is at the elevator in orgrimmar near the flight master. just walk off it toward the AH. Should survive with like 5% hp

@dylanwoods2459 - 04.11.2022 20:09

I’m still farming that damn horse 😫

@octapusxft - 28.09.2022 14:11

Gorak made more fun wow videos, time to check them out

@jrobertlysaght - 23.09.2022 07:27

best falling down spot is to run off the scryer elevator while still at the top.

@Johnnekaiser - 20.09.2022 10:01

Let me share my lucky story

Many years ago, I believe during Wod. I Went with a Raid group to do the Achievments In Firelands, Doing everyone except for one (That shall not be knelt) We get to the Fire Bird Boss...The Mount drops, Everyone rolls for it and I won the mount, Then we cleared the raid like normal while doing the remaining achievments

After I decided, Screw it I want more mog stuff and I did the raid again on a Alt. I do the raid like normal, Killing everything, not bothering any achievments. I get to the Final boss and to my surprise...The Second Mount Dropped for me!

And that's how I got both Fireland Mounts in one day

@lukethefluke7 - 14.09.2022 19:55

As someone who is ranked 41st worldwide for ranked minion collecting on FF14, ............I felt that last bit.

@Mfeta16 - 11.09.2022 14:24

I had a friend that spent the better part of two expansions farming the Baron Rivendare mount. He ended up getting the epic sword twice, before he got the mount.

@gouldyzp - 04.09.2022 05:24

I legit was bored last night and was like let’s see if I can get this ashes mount never tried before and got on my lvl 50 warrior first try was like no fucking way 😂😂

@mattemattics5667 - 01.09.2022 16:41

BRB releasing all my pets

@ollicompolli3718 - 24.08.2022 22:18

When I tried ESO a few years back for the first time I had something called an ‘Aetheric Cipher’ drop from a random mob. It was some kind of yellow Mat. Having played like 2 weeks of the game I had no idea what it was. So I asked Reddit… this MFers told me it was like an insane drop and at the time it was selling for 1mil on the EU server and that I’d ‘won the lottery’ and ‘never had one drop since launch’. And you know what happened? I couldn’t even access a trade guild to sell it because I was so new. And to this day it’s still sitting on my account and I lost all desire to play the game ever again.

@danielsojka9916 - 24.08.2022 21:58

Imagine dropped a GMOD on LFR just to make a Q in storyline and thinking how cool mount is for achievment of boss kill

@dave9309 - 21.08.2022 16:48

Titans grip was a mistake, it's the principle reason Fury is the defacto spec for dps, not only do you get such a huge increase in raw weapon damage (even with the penalty) but the fact 2h weapons inherently have higher levels of primary and secondary stats make it a must, to the point you probably won't get a raid spot if you aren't running titans grip. Fury imo should always have focused on using 1h weapons for a faster but more chaotic play style while Arms had exclusive use of 2h with a slower but more reliable damage output.

@scottishjp5082 - 21.08.2022 16:34

I got invincible horse first time i ever done the raid

@atraxian5881 - 21.08.2022 12:25

This is not hating on wow specifically. It can be adapted and applied to most games where there are collectibles an/or random drops.

@mrredlvl2451 - 20.08.2022 02:19

“…Not getting what you want can be a bad thing, but sometimes the worst thing that can happen to you IS getting what you want “ ~ asmongold

@Grenan99 - 19.08.2022 19:06

Why is Captain Grims voice sync better? Cause he had 3 months time for a 3 minute Video. How many minutes of voice act/lip sync are there in ToF? I Bet Grim can make awesome lip sync for the base game, it'll only take approx. 10 years. x)

/no hate on him, he's awesome and would probably be faster... but that whole voice/lip sync shit takes sooooooooo much time in development and is looked upon so little

@Ozraevun - 19.08.2022 18:58

Captain Grim makes THE best and most relatable wow vids and I love it. Also that first part is LITERALLY me and my friend... I'm still trying to get TFH and he got it on his SECOND run... (TFH = that f*cking horse = invisible/invincible) Also Captain Grim isn't hating on WoW, he's making fun of it in the best way possible, BECAUSE MOST WOW PLAYERS THINK IT IS LIKE THIS xD

@Macho_Fantastico - 19.08.2022 16:33

The pet battler dude is brilliant, just perfect.

@SkyClears - 19.08.2022 15:39

But …but….all the pets go to our garrison…

@foilto3971 - 18.08.2022 14:26

reminds me of the bananas collection in punika LOL

@EeizeMode - 18.08.2022 14:25

One summer a few years ago i went to a friend and her boyfriend was farming the mount. He got it that weekend, which made me buy another month and farm aswell. Got it first try!

I killed the boss like 20 times before this. Not much but hey. "First try" ;)

@ventrcx8619 - 18.08.2022 14:15

Can someone please tell me where is asmongold streaming? He is not showing on twitch

@skyhdlyra - 18.08.2022 12:13

The armour set is so true, I finally finished redemption gear after six months of bmah camping, and now I can barely even look at it.

@arnoldsridharan8766 - 18.08.2022 07:13

Why asmongold no stream on main channel anymore?

@derick463 - 18.08.2022 06:03

Finally got invincible 2 weeks ago haven’t logged on since

@frostmagemarii - 18.08.2022 04:05

I don't know how anybody could think that Grim hates WoW. You don't put this kind of love into your content if you hate the thing you're spoofing.

@Barvyon - 18.08.2022 03:48

I will never forget, back in Legion, I was farming Alar still, and I mentioned on Discord that Alar was the one mount I wanted to get, my friend heard me say this, and decided to go run it himself, it dropped for him, and he mocked me for at least 2 years after that...

@salavantias1948 - 18.08.2022 03:28

my rng is more like the belf guy i get rare mounts with ease.

@NintendoNerdnr1 - 18.08.2022 03:28

Ye, was rather upset about the dragonflight warrior tree stuff.. But can probably make it work.. A worse overreaction was before SL when i realized that i wouldn't be able to chug my swiftness potions.. and i "almost" quit.. Now thats an overreaction. Someone at blizzard hates it when people go fast.

@arthurgrmg2850 - 18.08.2022 02:35


@maskedaquakitty3447 - 18.08.2022 00:42

Not Even having the Pristine Trap? Wow that Pet Collector is such a noob :P

@MrGrogan02 - 17.08.2022 22:53

Asmon over here trying to say wow cutscenes arent shit with their voice overs? GTFO of here with that rose colored glasses bullshit.

@WalkmanSilver - 17.08.2022 22:43

I got that falling achievement completely by accident because I couldn't be arsed going the long way and instead would jump off the tall Troll building where the BFA content is for Horde, the amount of times I have died falling off that thing is hilarious.

@PhoenixRed96 - 17.08.2022 22:32

Best way to do Going Down achievement is to play Highmountain dungeon after third boss you jump down into water, no fall damage but for some reason it awards achievement anyway.

@arthur3495 - 17.08.2022 20:47

"the worse thing it can happen to you is getting what you want"
i've seen people say that about being rich and it makes sense

@hronolord - 17.08.2022 18:57

If you leave the game after getting the mount that means the game sucks. Actual WoW really sucks.

@MicroRevolution - 17.08.2022 18:52

Please please play tiny tactics its amazing and kind of like team fight tactics but tower defense. Its amazing and would do great if you just played it and streamed it!

@sargecasm2252 - 17.08.2022 17:34

Blizzards way of thinking can be described with the red text from a rocket launcher (Ion Cannon) that you can find in Borderlands 3 Jacks Casino DLC; Fun detected, Obliterate.

@wtff - 17.08.2022 16:26

Is it really hating on wow if it's 100% accurate?

@celphalonred1999 - 17.08.2022 16:13

When I see WoW

I think of vomit😔

I miss the days of old

@tiepanpleb4631 - 17.08.2022 15:58

Me and a mate and mine got it a week apart after he helped kill the lk I gave it to him it dropped a week later haha pretty lucky had been farming it for years before hand

@stefanpavlovic9001 - 17.08.2022 15:39

U can get going down achievement by jumping from stairs in stormwind harbor

@markallenantonio4235 - 17.08.2022 14:25

watch SsethTzeentach's kenshi review

@jotarokujo2017 - 17.08.2022 14:13

He gets so easily exited about simple things hahaha

@Famousfire97 - 17.08.2022 13:52

The invincible one was me for 10 years, then i got it. I was so in shock i was unable to move, but now its like the only mount im using, ouintil the FUCKING heavenly onyx cloud serpent finally drops.........

@AudioAndroid - 17.08.2022 13:30

Let's see Paul Allen's Mount
