The Bell Curve

The Bell Curve


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@Shiftyspace - 02.05.2024 17:28

I watched this video several yrs ago when I was still finishing my undergrad. Now I’m about to finish my masters degree in data analytics and it’s insane coming back again and now having a deeper understanding of how academically dishonest the Bell curve was

@NanakiRowan - 02.05.2024 03:19

When a racist who rants about racial differences in intelligence every day, doesn't know the definition of the word "intelligence" (look up "intelligence" in the dictionary, then compare it to his statement here😂): @Bridge2110
1 hour ago If you are dropped in the outback, you want skills and knowledge; not intelligence.

@matthewsmith8402 - 29.04.2024 19:40

the plot twist near the end blew me away goddamn

@pineco74 - 29.04.2024 02:37

Anine fan here... The answer to the fair question is letter D

@axer3515 - 27.04.2024 04:39

It does not matter that there is a wide range of definitions of intelligence. In experimental methodology the researchers must use a well defined term to use as the standard for the experiment. This is known as the "OPERATIONAL DEFINITION " it is this definition and this definition only that can be used when evaluating the experiment. If i were to say i was going to test if a dog can run a mile faster when it is warm than he can run a mile in the cold, i have operationally define what temperature is warm and what temperature is cold. I would have operationally define what distance is a mile. The goal is to control variables and define terms so that you are testing what you say you are testing. Do, i would only concern myself with what the designer of the experiment defined as a mile, what us cold, and what is warm. Furthermore, if i was to replicate the experiment, I would have to use the same conditions and measurements as the original trials. I have seen the author defend his book and I have heard many of the criticism of the book, and they often extrapolate data that was not meant to be measured by this test. The one good thing thst came from the book was it caused considerable discussions on race and racism.

@sixstringedthing - 25.04.2024 19:15

I wish there was some way to tell the algorithm that I don't necessarily enjoy repeatedly listening to a detailed examination of the various ways by which a group of shitty people tried to justify their awful racially-biased theories regarding eugenics and social policy. Sometimes I just like having a skull talk me to sleep with a Liverpudlian accent.

@d.o.2047 - 21.04.2024 21:05

In my personal observation and opinion thear is no such thing as innate intelligent or talented, it just comes to the time you invest in something. To become good at something you need to put the time in and it dose not mater if you have high or low IQ

@luisterine - 19.04.2024 00:52

I got this video in my for you page earlier today and I started reading "The mismeasure of man" today. In the first chapter "The bell curve" is mentioned and it brought me straight back to this video. It's funny how life is sometimes, huh?

@NanakiRowan - 17.04.2024 18:51

When a racist hates geneticists and genetic research institutions because their data and conclusions refute his unscientific ideology:
4 weeks ago
@NanakiRowan Genetic research institutions will literally make statements that amount to "we are all very genetically similar, therefore race doesn't exist." They are generally clearly not worth listening to.

@Adi-bo5do - 17.04.2024 10:38

I have a 144 IQ and come from a poor country that gets a lot of racial shit for among other things low avergae IQ
I rarely felt like that I am that much smarter though..
Like, most people around me understand things just fine when they have a base concept of what's going on and many could think a bit faster.
It's entirely down to education, and background of your parents rather than the quality of "genes"
And to be frank if internet racist are any metric they are the dumbest f-ers of their class anyways, so much for IQ test shit

@NanakiRowan - 17.04.2024 09:24

When a racist doesn't like when Africans outperform whites on standardized tests in schools in the UK, so he compulsively lies and states that the UK doesn't have standardized tests:
9 months ago
This is because you are limiting it to working class whites, and are ignoring that the UK school system doesn't have standardized exams.

@NanakiRowan - 17.04.2024 09:19

When a racist denies the existence of dozens of peer-reviewed studies that explain how and why the racial IQ gap is environmental: @Bridge2110
6 months ago
@NanakiRowan African immigrants outperform everyone else because they are an elite slice of the country. They are not representative of their country of origin. But also no, peer reviewed studies do not find an environmental explanation.

@NanakiRowan - 17.04.2024 09:16

When a racist believes that genetic sequencing and genome mapping is "bad logic":
6 months ago
The idea the human genome project disproved race is based on bad logic.

@dadaburro - 17.04.2024 03:59

I am coming late to the conversation. Man, your work is thorough! Thank you so much for this insightful video.

@humanthingtodo7891 - 17.04.2024 02:18

I lived long enough to notice that blacks are on the intelligence way way bottom.
Those refusing to see it are just as dumb.

@Metal_Maoist - 14.04.2024 20:25

Okay, so: The Bell Curve is a "scientific" text that, according to itself, proves absolutely nothing, and then goes on to claim that based on that, we should start doing massive eugenics programs?

@NanakiRowan - 14.04.2024 05:09

When a racist believes that wealth is a genetic trait, that financial inheritance doesn't exist, promotes historical negationist myth of the Lost Cause:
2 days ago
@jonathanwallace6667 Where would blacks be? The same place you are now. Wealth transfers very badly across generations, especially in black families. Wealth really only lasts 2 generations once you pay attention to genetic effects. If you look at increases in wealth that are purely environmental (like winning a lottery), there are no effects past 2 generations.
If whites had worked in the fields, the US would be better off. Slavery held the south back, and only made a few plantation owners richer

@NanakiRowan - 14.04.2024 05:04

When a racist presents a circular reasoning fallacy and doesn't believe that cultures exist:
2 days ago
Asians study harder because it is easier because they are higher IQ.

@NanakiRowan - 14.04.2024 03:11

When a racist attempts to defend and justify racial profiling against black people despite knowing that over 90% of white crime victims are the victims of white criminals:
2 days ago
@NanakiRowan If you're trying to stop people stealing from a store, as a security guard, would you pay more attention to a teen in a hoodie, or to a little old lady? Obviously the hoodie teen. People see no problem with this because we all acknowledge that age and how people dress are predictors of crime. The same is true of race, and yet it is vilified.

@NanakiRowan - 14.04.2024 01:47

When a racist goes sexist, and employs double standards:
3 weeks ago
Women typically outscore men because they mature faster, because of marking bias (teacher mar down boys compared to girls), and because of a biased environment that discourages boys and me.

@NanakiRowan - 14.04.2024 01:34

When a racist believes that human genetics somehow works differently in one country and not another:
1 hour ago
It is taken into consideration, which is why we know that it is false. Black children, when raised in affluent families, become adults with an IQ roughly equal to the average of their own racial group. The shared home environment only accounts for around 5% of the variance in adult IQ. Even the non-shared environment only accounts for around a further 15%.

46 minutes ago
@Bridge2110 Incorrect. It has long been shown that living in better socioeconomic conditions increases IQ scores. This is especially evident in the fact that the score of Kenyan children rose 11 to 26 points between 1984 and 1998 after socioeconomic conditions were improved.

36 minutes ago
@NanakiRowan Not within any given sample within the US to any significant degree . Hence the extremely low 5% figure for a shared environment.

31 minutes ago
@Bridge2110 Ah so socioeconomic improvement works for one population but not another (although it does). Thank you for admitting that the gap isn't genetic.


@TheBeefiestable - 13.04.2024 18:10

How is two arms not heritable? i mean just because it happens to be in 100% of humans now doesn't mean some major incident that irradiates it out of half of the population wouldnt immediately be visibly obviously heritable?

@tai31415 - 12.04.2024 22:01

The thing about this book (after watching this video a couple of times now) is it is clear that the authors wanted to write a political (american) conservative text to remove the social security net, and came up with what they throught was justification for that point.
The rediculous thing about this is, the "evidence" they present (that they are actual genetic differences in intelligence that you cannot help) points to the opposite. If you want to have a productive society, then it is important that you find ways for everyone to be productive. We have data (which I think they even talk about) that the social safety net has an effect in outcomes, so why not do that. Take the output of the "cognative elite" (their words) and use that to help those who are "less intelligent" to be more productive. Ensure that everyone has a baseline standard of life, and everyone wins, right? No, oh right that would mean helping those less fortunate.

@queerlyk1668 - 11.04.2024 09:58

In 2020 (at age 28), I was given an IQ test (the WAIS IV) as part of my autism assessment, and I remember being extremely frustrated that there were algebra problems in the test, despite my having not having taken a proper math class in over 10 years at that point. So as a result of my not remembering my frikking high school algebra class from a decade ago, I scored significantly lower in that area than on the rest of the test and skewed my overall score down quite a bit. The rub is that in high school, I had taken advanced calculus and placed in a number of regional math competitions, so it’s safe to say that I’m not just innately bad at math.

@EbonyPope - 09.04.2024 08:46

Funny that he mentions the Flynn effect because it is now reversing. So we are actually getting dumber.

@inksoldier5544 - 07.04.2024 01:19

Question to the critical folk (primarily to the so-called race realists and racists of this world) that might for some reason revisit or stumble upon this video just now: how do you explain the average IQ disparity in primarily 'white' countries? I don't know this data on the States, just Europe (since I am European), but let's compare Ukraine and Finland. Finland has the highest average IQ score in Europe, Ukraine, on the other hand, has one of the lowest (not naming exact numbers, but you can look it up and the (taken from Lynn) data will confirm it). Now what happened there? Are Ukrainian people a slightly genetically inferior type of white people compared to the Finns (as it's now popular to assume that there are just more races than previously assumed)? Are all the romanis and other ethnic minorities like Tatars or African migrants (who are, uh, not white?) that aren't as present in Finland skewing the results for Ukraine? Are Ukrainian people just not white themselves, therefore they are genetically predetermined to underperform as compared to Finnish people (then what are they...)? Research and compare the stats like HDI, government spending, minimum wage, corruption, education; information on social programs, policies, competency of the policy-makers, quality of education, overall economic stability and performance, size of the population; history (one of these countries has experienced one of the most lengthy and devastating economic crises just ~10 years before the global 2008 crisis and ~15 years before becoming entangled in an ongoing armed conflict). Interesting? I think it's interesting. I may also assume that an average American 'redneck' is probably likely to underperform compared to, I don't know, Kendrick Lamar. 'Exceptions' like this are critical. Scientists (although I know the authors of this book are barely such) on a mission to create policy proposals let themselves be fooled by numbers and constructivism, which in turn makes them forget that managing people is not managing live stock

@kooisengchng5283 - 06.04.2024 17:16

Some names are missing eg Eysenck, Ruston. Success may be due to other factors but it doesn't disprove that IQ has a racial basis. IQ level over time will show itself.

@noahmarosok8168 - 04.04.2024 00:41

I love how the comments are filled with individuals claiming, still, that dumb people shouldn't be allowed to breed yet I can guarantee you that a vast majority of them do not fit within their ideal IQ criteria.

@h.w.barlow6693 - 02.04.2024 19:37

Race and intelligence are real, cheers!

@TrulyAlkaline - 01.04.2024 11:47

@Testimony_Of_JTF nice yap session lmfaooo

@regisglass5464 - 29.03.2024 18:06

Once hereditarians, racists, etc accept that all of science disagrees with their views (since they can't provide the scientific name for any human race that is not homo sapiens sapiens), they start saying science itself is an "appeal to authority". So here's a question to them: since you accept all of science disagrees with you, what are you even basing your views on?

I can't be "statistical genetic clustering", "genetic variability" or "a series of US counties are K= 6" because that just mean you think your cousins are a different race and that white americans are part of the "black race" (they're more genetically similar to african americans than they are to any european). Also you still think this is an appeal to authority.

And it clearly isn't wealth and/or IQ since we have more black millionaires today than at any other point in history while the poverty level for white people seems to have increased (look at the gap between the rich and poor widening).

So what is it? Is it literally you guys going "yes, race is real and i will say literally anything to make it so"? Because one of you geniuses literally told me to look at people online as "proof" once he ran out of "rational" answers.

@vikrambalaji4126 - 27.03.2024 23:19

@Testimony_Of_JTF yapping a whole sequel to the Bell Curve in the comments is funny as hell. Go get a job!! Go out for a jog!!! ya little nerd

@Testimony_Of_JTF - 25.03.2024 19:28

I think I'll watch this today, hope I do.
Also I've not abandoned the project of explaining the gaps have not narrowed, that will happen later.

@Testimony_Of_JTF - 21.03.2024 01:40

It's fascinating how enviromentalists who are so certain of the scientific consensus being on their side in this issue suddenly stop responding when you providea survey supporting the hereditarian position.
If you're wondering who I am speaking of, it's nanakihowan.
