Salat: Institutionalized Turning Away | Abdul Karim

Salat: Institutionalized Turning Away | Abdul Karim

Dr. Omar Zaid

1 год назад

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@zoel2201 - 30.08.2023 21:31

Great presentation as always, brother Lesly/Abd Karim

@nikobellic9140 - 30.08.2023 23:23

where can i read about the article on ibn hanbal whos agaisnt the salat please

@ainaltair3217 - 31.08.2023 03:46

Excellent presentation. I hope more and more people begin to think and correct themselves.

I have performed hajj twice, but in the last couple of years a paradigm shift has begun with respect to hajj....🤔

Recently been to umrah for various reasons, one being to see the historical places once again....😊

There is a paradigm shift in understanding salat and zskat... however, i still pray the same way...except that i avoid saying AllahuAkbar and allahumma...instead, i say AllahuKarim and rabbana

@metinbayer2631 - 31.08.2023 06:13

Thank you Dr and your guest for your hard efforts and collaboration and podcasts

@shukriyusof2104 - 31.08.2023 08:30

Towards the end of the podcast Abdul Karim said some very interesting facts. So, the only way forward is to provide evidence that the Ahlu Sunnah wal-Jumaah or the Shiites or any of the sectarians have invented their own religion, just like the Jews and the Christians did with their Torah & Injeel respectively.

The Sectarians are welcome to invent barbaric unIslamic laws to satisfy their lust for power and they can enforce their invented laws on those who are Sunnis/Shiites/Sectarians only, which has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.

peace to the world... study the Quran Alone.

@manndesfriedens5248 - 31.08.2023 09:28

Salamun alaykum,

just a few quick thoughts on the matter because its a heart issue to me.

I consider myself to be a part of the Quran alone Islam and I do practice the ritual prayer, but some details of course I changed.

What I observe is that there are two extremes. The one speaks for a complete defined prayer with no room for individual changes, like praying 5 times a specific number of raka'ats with a set of words you have to repeat. The other completely reject this kind of a physical form of worshipping Allah and consider the command of salah to be nothing more than a mindset.

So I dont care about how many times one does the prayer (2,3 or 5 times a day) or the number of rakat (1, 2 or the traditional number) or the way he holds his hands or which language he uses.

But to take some time of the day to reconnect to Allah swt by first washing (connect to the water) and then stand before Allah and prostrate to (preferly natural) ground (connect to the earth), I consider this to be important for our soul development and to keep being grounded.

And those who reject the form of salah by claiming it is nothing more thana zoroastrian practice early muslims adopted, they do also nothing different than trusting narrations more than the mushaf.

Its not my intention to exclude those who do not pray from Islam if they call themselfes muslims, but I recognized a tendency to discredit those who practice the physical prayer to be superficial and ignorant.

I would like to get response from either one of you, because you are two of the publical voices of this lets call it movement.

Peace to all!

@ujangsekeluarga5443 - 31.08.2023 12:09

Salaamun Dr. Omar & Brother Leslie

The word "aqeemo" wrt to "salat" in quran can also carry the meaning/application - to restore/ to re-eastablish/ to rebuild

There are 3 different spelling variants of the word "salat" in quran


Since traditionally, the word "salat" always refer to the ritual prayer, I am still searching the distinction (if any) of the spelling variants

@shahidahmed1766 - 27.09.2023 21:32

First believe in unseen then establish Salah. Then Salah may be to "Express ones imaan (belief) through Salah". Salah may be some expected disposition (certainly narrated in Quran but not yet understood). This ritual may have short or very long history.

@MukarramAli98 - 09.10.2023 07:48

May Allah guide you back to the straight oath, Dr. Omar.

@babajamal6599 - 21.10.2023 05:11

Thank you very much for putting this together Dr.

@semracalik3040 - 16.11.2023 17:33

I am really looking forward to the promised vfollowing video on this topic. 🙏🌸

@jawidomar6006 - 05.02.2024 13:56

What about the verse 103 of Surah 4?

@ultrasignificantfootnote3378 - 08.02.2024 09:25

What you are doing is deconstructing your religion and discovering it's manmade components , I have gone so far as to conclude that also the quran is manmade.

@untoldstories001 - 29.03.2024 00:20

salam and peace to u both and all the viewers, brother omar, please approach Sam Gerrans for an interview if you have not till now, May Allah reward you for your work, aameen

@HumayunMirza-s8f - 20.04.2024 06:21

Great discussion.

@nathanrichmondhoag1021 - 13.09.2024 17:41

Dr. Omar you have come a long way from when I first saw you speaking with Sheikh Imran Hosein!
