LeanBeefPatty | TikTok's Favourite Fake Natty?!

LeanBeefPatty | TikTok's Favourite Fake Natty?!

Team ForNever Lean

2 года назад

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@TFNL - 11.10.2021 23:04

Have you downloaded the TFNL Tier System programme yet?! 👀

@ryanschlaud - 28.09.2023 06:56

She looks fantastic, but so do you.


@mastervader4444 - 07.09.2023 10:37

Ive never seen a fake natty being protected so much, anyone who thinks she's natural is diluted AF

@BigDaddyPapSmear69 - 15.08.2023 09:58

I'd have to examine her down below (to see if she has an enlarged clit) to verify whether she is natty or not. I may also do some other "tests" while I am down there. 😆

@Forsaken37 - 14.08.2023 00:16

Wtf did you wear LGBT headband?

@blackthornpvp - 19.06.2023 09:23

btw skip the first 10 mins, this is basicaly click bait

@blackthornpvp - 19.06.2023 09:16

nice gay bait....

@sojohnson87 - 14.06.2023 23:56

She is 100% not natural and that's her choice. Who cares if people use HGH or roids. Their body their choice, they're not hurting anyone. But yeah, she isn't natural lol. You can tell by her face, can't hide that

@mryeetproductions - 03.04.2023 19:25

I have been lied to so many times. I assume everyone is on gear.

@JTRipper420 - 20.03.2023 05:38

the words that came to my head "gay"

@mrbobo86 - 04.03.2023 20:40

She's totally natty

@gymrat149 - 02.03.2023 19:18

She is 100% natty

@duncanmacleod7287 - 21.01.2023 11:49

lmao she's definitely not natural. Just look at the best (Olympic weightlifters) and they don't look like her. Why are people so damn gullible. All the buff girls on social media use steroids, all the perfect butts are enhanced etc

@ericgordon1290 - 20.01.2023 23:20

Keep up the great work!

@telesniper2 - 14.01.2023 06:49

test+var or SARMS

@CharroArgentino - 05.01.2023 18:53

Patty just seems like someone who is good at taking photos, the angles and lightning she uses makes her seem bigger, but when you see her in motion her body seems perfectly normal. She probably has insane abs genetics, but that's it.

@CYB3R2K - 28.11.2022 20:03

"she looks fantastic so do you"... Bullshit, You obviously don't know me.

@sickowhale6861 - 17.11.2022 15:05

Rainbow is a promise God gave us that He will not flood us anymore. It's not a symbol of a perverted desires. If you want to say "Those" are not perverted, then define what "Perverted Desires" is. You have to either delete the word or accept it.

@discordvibes - 11.11.2022 17:31

bro talking about the gym and wearing a gay head band

@DJTXD123 - 06.11.2022 22:59

Definitely on steroids

@eglebukelyte2969 - 29.10.2022 00:23

To me is really disgusting that you trying to make more viewers talking about this girl, hashtaged her name and discuss things that you cannot know.just earning money of this , and if really not your business.need to be blocked. What I will try to do after finish writing this post.

@cthulhu4411 - 21.10.2022 12:54

Am I the only one that thinks women with abs are not sexy 🤔

@eduardocoronado2887 - 17.10.2022 03:10

Dude jealous bc she’s better lookin then him gay ass💀

@rodee1671 - 18.09.2022 04:22

She's natural. Ifnshe weren't she'd be much bigger. Shes a gymnast and an obsessive gymrat. Only haters would concoct BS.

@hendrixisgod777 - 30.07.2022 18:00

Natti’s a former gymnast, gymnasts start young and she probably had a well developed physique well before her teens. She’s smaller than she looks and trains hard. Definitely natty. Natty Patti.

@keepitreal5317 - 20.07.2022 15:33

If you look at her she's definitely not unnatural. When she's not prepped or has great lighting she looks like all the natty brothers and sisters.

@CringePatrol - 14.07.2022 18:12

natty or not she's cringe AFFFFFF

@cd2888 - 08.07.2022 00:30

First, I think she looks great. I’m very impressed with the progress she has made as a bodybuilder (natty or not). BUT…based on my experience…she looks like someone who has done a cycle (or two) of Anavar. Currently, she may be “off”, which gives her the justification to claim she’s natural. Having worked with female athletes…the defined abdominal and the vascular thighs are something you don’t see with natural female athletes. If her goals are to compete, she would have optimize her diet and training to evaluate her physique.

@pliskin100 - 27.06.2022 03:30

There is 0% chance she is natural. She is on the record saying she's only been lifting for 2 years and came from a gymnast background. Gymnasts just aren't built for muscle mass, period. It's all for sponsorships and attention. Fake natty varbies like Leanbeefsteroids do more to harm the fitness community than they think they are helping, with their uneducated advice and terrible standards for gym noobs who don't know any better. Most of her audience are DYEL coomers who've never hit the gym before, they still think all their favorite marvel movie stars are natural (lel)

@austinhenshaw2140 - 11.06.2022 15:00

Hi. First again!

@auburnyt441 - 19.05.2022 01:25

This is a really great video man! When I first started loosing weight about a year ago I dealt with it in a very unhealthy way. I ate under 1000 calories and felt depressed and awful most of the time which really affected my view on myself and mental health. I’m now in a much better state and I’m able to eat better while enjoying foods I enjoy and I’ve actually been able to build muscle and I’m seeing great results! And again great video man!

@josephinetapp3340 - 18.05.2022 05:56

I realize I'm commenting on an old video so you may never see this, but I have never come across a video of yours that I didn't thoroughly enjoy and I've been on a bit of a binge recently. You're my wind-down channel. Post gym or on a rest day, I've just grabbed something to eat and don't wanna watch a show/movie - I put you on and keep watching you until I'm ready to fall asleep. Don't be afraid to branch out more or experiment. I'm here for your great advice and information of course, but what keeps me here is you as a creator. I feel like I'd be interested in you talking about almost anything. Also: I'm fairly new to the gym and fitness and I want to thank you for helping me to control that toxic relationship I was developing with food and rest days.

@jakeelperro3876 - 14.05.2022 13:12

Im in love with her since 3 weeks ago 😂 and you made this video 😳 I wanted to kick your @$$ but I watched the whole video.

I think she's natural and crazy, what else do you want? 😒

@chobovoyager7143 - 13.05.2022 21:54

her face is feminine I dont see giga face

@LeanestBeef - 13.05.2022 02:47

you got a little more than 600 likes lol

@mitskimybeloved6038 - 05.05.2022 07:19

U slayed

@prowlprime - 04.05.2022 05:50

2 minutes into the video and you still haven't started the analysis. Get on with it.

@magistergabriel - 01.05.2022 12:43

Let me start by saying that I love what you're doing here. It's good to have people out there who properly sift through the volumes of information, both valid and ridiculous, but I digress...
I don't know if she's a fake natural or not, but the tips she shared are relatively sound. Still, if you've ever watched her training videos, you can understand why people would think she wasn't a natural. Take a look... You be the judge.

@Semiotichazey - 26.04.2022 09:57

Terrific video. Lots of positivity and healthy attitudes.

@Kragani - 19.04.2022 04:04

bro just get to the point

@oskarvomhimmel6936 - 14.04.2022 01:26

LBP is very doable...and may just be a keeper 🤔

@FamousFelix08 - 13.04.2022 22:25

She’s ridiculously attractive

@sebastian69216 - 07.04.2022 20:46

i don’t care wether or not she worked out for those abs, she can lift me any day.

@humansnotai4912 - 28.03.2022 09:52

Why would you think she's on the gear? She works hard, is young and eats well. This is what humans look like without a large layer of adipose tissue covering them when they engage in strength and conditioning training.

@stoneking5 - 13.03.2022 23:18

This wasn’t a real deep dive

@browhatismyaimhuh1058 - 10.03.2022 13:51

W vid

@michiroom1526 - 04.03.2022 09:20

Fascinating girl, I like her.

@suefitness5613 - 27.02.2022 23:55

Wow the last question is great for someone that is starting like me. Nice to see the perspective of someone ekse

@tropingreenhorn - 27.02.2022 22:58

She is tiny, she is just super fit for her frame with low bodyfat and good lighting in her tiktoks. She is like less than 120lbs, and is like 5'3. As a 6ft 220 lbs bear, I would definately say she looks 100% natty. She just works hard and eats lots of protein and has been training for many years.
