Tales from Alaska's Interior: Bigfoot Beyond the Trail

Tales from Alaska's Interior: Bigfoot Beyond the Trail

Small Town Monsters

9 месяцев назад

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@ProspectingMonkey - 07.01.2024 22:07

Modern ufos, you just to need to be in the right cities as they walk and live among us. Alot of us have met them. The government knows about them. They work with our civilization.

@albertoosseslopez3155 - 07.01.2024 06:26

Bigfoot is mire inteligente tha humano. They know the foresta and wild life. Especiallly the shelter

@LakeFaerieFiles - 04.01.2024 17:23


@garrywaltz9862 - 03.01.2024 08:02

Subscribe Don't tell me what to do dictator

@petervanpunk8946 - 02.01.2024 09:05


@Mala-Ipsa-Nova - 01.01.2024 02:51

CHUKE! Who doesn’t love The Man! You need the straight poop about all things 10mm, it’s all right there on his channel. He was one of the first people I saw who was highlighting 10mm up in AK as a bear defense piece.

Excellent real world information no bul lshit kinda guy.

@damiangarpe2374 - 30.12.2023 05:24

У нас статистика встреч видимо такая же , но... видел я ЕГО и касался трижды , в разных местах , была попытка сфотографировать , но , как назло его спугнули...
Поведение -- обезьянье , но не агрессивное к человеку , любопытное и осторожное и очень любит прятаться , даже , когда понятно , что заметили и прятаться бесполезно . Вблизи ведёт себя робко , а издали скалится -- демонстрирует клыки и вся мимика -- как у шимпанзе . Речь напоминает быстрый щебет , что -- то "птичье" .
Так же "стрекочут" мартышки .
И визг слышал , подобный шимпанзе . Но в пропорциях -- более человеческих и ступня ближе к человеческой .
Клыки выделяются , но меньше , чем у гориллы...
Видел , всегда не один , были и ещё свидетели . Писали в прессе дважды , заметки были в газете .скачет и галопом , "на четвереньках .
Рост -- 2,3 -- 2,4 (~)...

@user-dm7yp9vr7l - 29.12.2023 01:22

Beautiful but not dangerous as long as you know if you have respect there territory,they won"t harm you

@D.D.1963 - 28.12.2023 18:46


@D.D.1963 - 28.12.2023 18:44


@douglasbower7970 - 28.12.2023 17:26

Liked your video but way way to many commercials- big turn off

@user-uc1lf6wo8i - 25.12.2023 06:04

Er aaah
Yeah dood. These is big feets. Is large and listen - Growl! Jickers sake. Oh my drogg!
Noise i say to you is big big noise

Brrrrrr. Yeah!

@czarnakawa7958 - 23.12.2023 22:15

I know it's immense area but if there're so many foot prints and road sightings why not to set up few motion cameras? Something would be caught eventually. Plus does Sasquatch ever do no 2? Where is it? Does it ever leave bits of its fur to check for dna?

@victorguzman6150 - 20.12.2023 20:58

Pongalo en español

@claragarcia82 - 19.12.2023 19:25

Probably was BigFoot who vandalize that cabin.

@claragarcia82 - 19.12.2023 19:14

Forgot to take off for the mosquitoes. For camping is good to take de cases where eggs come. You burn that case and the mosquitoes goes away.

@mirrorblue100 - 18.12.2023 06:12

What kinds of foods are available to support an animal like Bigfoot in these boreal forests? This is a really well-produced program - thanks.

@willcunningham337 - 14.12.2023 23:41

The guys that are looking for Bigfoot aren't very smart, I served in the jungles of Vietnam, these guys make so much noise that they're letting the wildlife know that they're coming plus they're not using any scent control Duh for these guys.

@EricFlores-tx1jq - 13.12.2023 14:19

I had in experience in north dallas on the outskirts .it was living on private property i found its nest and even fed it a couple times .There extremy fast it would run the length of a football field in seconds almost like it teleported lol i thank god my mom was with me cus if she wasent i probaly wouldve thought it was all the drugs i did.

@jasonbored8319 - 13.12.2023 05:17

And no one thinks of collecting samples of the blood?

@rastin4204 - 12.12.2023 04:37

کاش زیرنویس فارسی قرار می‌دادید 🎉

@musicalsongs9761 - 10.12.2023 18:22


@musicalsongs9761 - 10.12.2023 18:20

Many more years by years but No man Homeland Bigfoot No man see 👀Bigfoot U R ONLY STORY BIGFOOT

@musicalsongs9761 - 10.12.2023 18:17

Every man say see 👀Bigfoot story and story📖 reading📖 story man liar say see Bigfoot ur every action against Bigfoot is ⭕ working ⭕ but you only story saying only SO PLZ STOP STORY

@musicalsongs9761 - 10.12.2023 18:11

Sir ur story only story Bigfoot film or cartoon movie🎥 only NO NEVER ANY BIGFOOT SIR

@user-uu2ht7rv7n - 09.12.2023 10:08

Ancient hominin bloodlines go back 4 million years. Before homo erectus there was gigantopithecus and orang pendek which were a more arboreal forest hominid. It's possible that there is a sister species of giant hominins still surviving in throughout the globe but the newcummers(you) to ancient lands are not seen as a person but a readily available foodsource. The most common bigfeet are actually small footed hominins like denisovans , Neanderthals, homo erectus, Australopithecus , paranthrowpus etc. The giant form hominins that leave gigantic footprints are either giant java man meganthropus paleojavinicus which is a gigantic cannibal cave man or gigantopithecus Blackie which is a thought extinct to science 3metre vegetarian hominin. I know what your thinking ladies bigfeet means big what......

@peterpiper487 - 09.12.2023 02:23

I have had an encounter but I DO NOT BELIEVE. There are so many times when people are mistaken about what they've seen or encountered.

@brunopaul4104 - 09.12.2023 00:12


@grantgoldberg1663 - 08.12.2023 09:22

I was once snowshoeing in the Arapahoe & Roosevelt National Forest in Colorado and fell into a tree well. Because I'm so stubborn I refused to let the person I was with help me out and honestly they probably would have fell in with me had they tried. After 10 minutes of struggling I finally got out and was completely out of breath. There were other people around and it was 10 feet off whatever trail was semi-descernible. Just imagine what Alaska can do to you. You can be doing everything right and still get yourself in trouble. Had that been Alaska and I was alone and broke my leg on that fall I wouldn't be here today. It takes nothing to be in a dire situation in the wilderness.

@primusdehonors9370 - 08.12.2023 09:18

😃😀😎😎 Again. Another tremendous effort by you folks and your team mates. But just like "The Alaska Bigfoot Highway: Bigfoot Beyond the Trail", your investigation does not add anything new to the need for conclusive evidence of BIGFOOT existence. For those that would protest this opinion and maintain that BIGFOOT IS PROVEN AND DOES EXISTS............ Why do we need these continual documentaries in the first place? Another point is more urgent here. IF THIS ANIMAL EXISTS IT IS CERTAINLY VERY SIMILAR IN INTELLIGENCE TO HUMANS. IT HAS MANAGED TO EVADE US FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS. Going in to the wilderness with heavy equipment and large numbers of BIG NOISY ARROMATIC MEN is certainly not stealthy at all. The creature can smell your toothpaste a mile away. In our view one extremely capable man must go into the wilderness by himself. He must have both a bodily implant tracking mechanism and exterior clothing tracking mechanism that can be followed by a very capable back up 24/7 team with the latest aerial equipment including a minimum of 2 fast helicopters to respond when evidence is found. Only a survival expert man alone with a superb remote back up team will find this intelligent elusive creature. 😃😀😎😎

@zopaseah4982 - 06.12.2023 16:01

Just get a few hound dogs to track that bigfoot, n it will resolve the mystery sighting.

@yaosautoben - 05.12.2023 11:16

how many years have we been talking about big foot? if you can not find a big foot poo for all these years? what dose it mean?

@LindyLooo99 - 05.12.2023 04:49

Man Bear Pig!!

@kevine9986 - 03.12.2023 01:43

Another vid no proof.

@DarkExplorer961 - 02.12.2023 01:45

Yes humans need lots of equipment to survive in those conditions, but look at Bigfoot he needs nothing

@barrywainwright3391 - 02.12.2023 01:24

Who else is watching this because they know they will never go to Alaska?

@barrywainwright3391 - 02.12.2023 01:20

The doc doesn't mention about getting a passport to enter Canada, make sure you have a permit to carry firearms, have a lot of money for gas, food and lodging because things are expensive in Alaska, don't travel alone and have a 4 wheel drive truck.

@VickiMcCormick-jf5pe - 01.12.2023 23:01

Lol my favorite thing to say is . if you want to find Bigfoot stop looking for him. As it seems the people who see him are just out wLking, driving, camping. Just basically hanging out and they always seem to come across him. So ya I'd stop looking for him. Lol

@josegonzalescedillo2399 - 29.11.2023 06:52

I agree abut the cabin being destroy by Sasquatch not by Kevin the guy that died on the bus I don't think he was guilty I think Sasquatch was the one

@youdontknowmemom8119 - 28.11.2023 00:25

I had a friend from Canada. Lived in his car. he parked on logging roads in the winter. Something came by one night in a snow storm and vent his car antenna all the way down. Well no prints. Snow storm. He didn't dig out for weeks. But never had anything else happen.

@JohnMackay-kn3rl - 27.11.2023 18:21

As usual the images are not focused. Apparently cameras can't focus UFOs either.

@user-si5oe3rn7e - 27.11.2023 06:54

And yet every image taken of the elusive bigfoot’ in 2023 was taken by a 480 quality potato lol ! Santa is coming soon ! You have a better chance of getting footage of him ! Lol omg

@christianlundberggymnasies1292 - 26.11.2023 18:41

could also be north Sweden. hey from Sweden

@peterstanakis4585 - 26.11.2023 12:32

Awesome shows guys.....no bull .....all real! Decide for yourself type of info.....keep em coming!!!

@user-jw5vk5cz1l - 26.11.2023 00:30

My theory they are probably hidding in a underground cave somewhere hidden from sight like the cave in Vietnam and the one in China where there is a forest underground I think they have something similar but there is some kind of volcanic activity closer to the ground but not on the surface where its probably warmer and it keeps the cave or area from freezing over with permafrost so maybe it thrives with life just my guess.

@user-jl5lu7kq4w - 25.11.2023 13:48

I live in ketchikan 30 plus yrs and hunt bear .deer and trap wolf and I've seen it 2 times now very tall and skinny with a crest ridge on its head and i casted a track showing a thumb toe .. 1st time I seen it was bent over like washing its hands and I first thought was a bear and I lifted my gun to get better look with scope and it stood up its arms were long and hands down by its knees and it took a piece of red cedar from a old tree 6in diameter and karate chopped it so fast sound like a gun shot ..scared the shit out of me to wear I was frozen in fear and in 3 leaps into the brush it was gone and and I could still hear it going away ..I stood on point ready to shoot for what seemed like for every !!! Dr. Rob Alley documented it

@40intrek - 25.11.2023 05:12

Sorry, not even half way through this and all i can suggest is, HEAD NETS PEOPLE!!!

@user-mc1ig4dw4v - 24.11.2023 12:08

Alaska is depressing.

@user-mc1ig4dw4v - 24.11.2023 12:07

Why are all the pictures of "Bigfoot" are blurry?

@vladdorian.. - 20.11.2023 19:14

A few years ago, someone got picked up dragged and then tossed (a pregnant native woman) who has gone basically mute ever since. Manitoba, Canada. 2-3 guys saw it happen and ran after her. I know another case of someone in the same area who saw it cross the road in the middle of nowhere and he was armed with a gun, but said his whole body froze looking at it. He couldnt move/shoot or do anything. Crazy
