Defense against a rapid thrust knife attack

Defense against a rapid thrust knife attack

MARS Action Group

8 лет назад

882,440 Просмотров

This is a short tutorial by Ron Balicki is on how to deal with an assailant who attacks you with a rapid thrust attack also known as "The Sewing Machine". Filmed at NorthShore Martial Arts Academy in Libertyville, IL.


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Jessika Piche
Jessika Piche - 21.11.2016 21:05

so more realistic than the rest out there...  thanks a lot.

steelty - 17.11.2016 23:29

Makes more sense to me to grab for the inside of the attackers attacking elbow. It seems to me that would completely take away their attack, and you could keep them from thrusting forward, then you could go from there. You claimed you couldn't grab their hand, but why wouldn't you be able to grab the upper arm near the lower bicep, and that would seemingly prevent them from any attack with that arm, especially if you used both of your hands to control the arm. I'd be curious to know what others think of this.

Steve Ocvirek
Steve Ocvirek - 11.11.2016 02:50

Thank-you for trying to demonstrate a knife defense technique. Knifes are the hardest weapons to defend against.

However, the problem with this particular technique is that even a person with very short arms can freely target the brachial artery, ulnar nerve & radial nerve - - not to mention bicep, tricep, and with a longer arm the anterior deltoid.

A 90° forearm block while clearing space for the body would be a better technique.

Joe Cue
Joe Cue - 11.11.2016 01:30

Pinoys call it saksak.

alex fresel
alex fresel - 24.06.2016 19:27

nice, thanks!

EMoney - 22.06.2016 08:43

I appreciate a real idea and some real testing. All the arm guiding/disarming that is shown in most knife defence would be extremely difficult in real life.

orlando santiago
orlando santiago - 20.06.2016 17:34

But with much respect to everyone be safe out there!

orlando santiago
orlando santiago - 20.06.2016 17:32

Your right am a bodyguard I've seen crazy shit and a knife wielding fuck is scary

Anthony Allen
Anthony Allen - 18.06.2016 14:14

I respectfully disagree. I noticed in the beginning the guy was fast with the demo then he slowed it down and it became a technique fest. Again I know the popular answer to most of the guys is you must do it in slow speed to teach. On the other hand why not teach the technique then train it with progessive resistance ? Again I fully understand that you must teach it slow to see the details but with all due respect who will remember that in live speed? You must have progressive restiance . I train in resistance myself and if you do the same you will truly see that those techniques are going to be entirely hard to use . Its a different game with demo speed then resistance speed.I do respect your aproach but thats my opinion. Unto I see a video with some one tech the technique then go back and show some one to use that same technique with progessive resistance, then I will not agree . Progressive restiance training does not represent any theory its a method for everyone to do. So with this method we do not have to take a person's theory of there name or status in the martial arts its about being functional not artistic. Im not trying to be objective but the difference between Japanese jj and Brazilian jj is there methodology aproach. Brazilian jj is a functional methodology and it works with full restiance.

dayan arias
dayan arias - 09.06.2016 22:27

think armpit whole is smart as a last minute manuever,but still very vulnerable,,i think if you still should manuever to the outside gate of holding arm asap

Ray Delavega
Ray Delavega - 28.05.2016 00:17

Excellent presentation, you are right!!! Nothing is full proof, Awareness is the key!! Thank you. 👍👍👍👌👌👌

John's JKD Training Group
John's JKD Training Group - 21.05.2016 14:09

Left hand. Thrust into his eyes. Finished.

BladeObsession - 16.05.2016 13:51

What about kickin his hand to maintain distance and possibly making him drop the knife? Just a thought.

orlando santiago
orlando santiago - 02.05.2016 14:42

If your attacker pulls a knife you pull a gun or a baseball bat or a long stick if you have none -----RUN ...... Truly there is no defense against a crazy person trying to stab you I've seen lots of videos of assassinations with knives when going to through bodyguard training , brother I tell you it's a hard defense

soylent green
soylent green - 01.05.2016 16:50

i used to teach martial arts but that was decades ago. While i consider myself capable in many situations, i have learned to adapt to the realities of my age and lack of conditioning. I carry a gun. Id shoot him.

EzioAuditore1500 - 30.04.2016 22:18

What martial art is this?

Chris Kelly
Chris Kelly - 15.04.2016 00:02

could you just try to ignore the knife for a few seconds and pummel there head? it would hurt of course, but it might be possible to disorient them or possibly knock them out? if you can hit the temple or nose?

Gear Barrel
Gear Barrel - 26.03.2016 18:57

I like how you actually cross parried with the right arm and grabbed his fatty part of his thumb for control. You might want to work a "Butterfly lock " from that position. Over all good info. It also was good you talked through digging your thumb into his armpit so he couldn't "wipe your hand off" and ride the line of your arm into your vitals" Keep it up!!!

Alex Pelletier
Alex Pelletier - 20.03.2016 13:00

thank you from France!

schae lakhan
schae lakhan - 18.03.2016 22:54

Thank you for sharing. This is scary subject matter. The best defense is just as you described....being aware.

I will use as a base and take it to the lab(the dojo)and see how it works for me.
Sifu I got your Jun fan jkd instructor series, just wanted to know if you thought about making a shoot fight series.
God bless

Paul RupRai
Paul RupRai - 08.03.2016 03:23

if yer gonna get stabbed anyway block his knife hand arm @ just below the elbow and then grab his knife hand with yer left hand and then stick yer elbow in his eyes real hard and keep on hitting his eyes and nose and then make distance between you and him and run or find any weapon to hand ( chair, sticks ,stones etc etc anything that come to hand. IF nothing to hand then wrap yer coat around yer blocking army and break his knee!

Teflon_Dom32 - 04.03.2016 01:53

I also want to say that Guro Ron is being a gentlemen by showing somethinga here and no one should judge it clear cut. It should be tested and not just camera theory

Teflon_Dom32 - 04.03.2016 01:51

The knife is a tough weapon to play against. The concept he is showing is similar to passing on the elbow and also the pinching that is also shown in some kali. I think once the bridge is made and the knife weilder gains thw contact its possible to pull this off. All has to do with timing and reflexes. Tested, not theory

sensible self-defense
sensible self-defense - 03.03.2016 23:39

my research with this scenario is : quickly deal with the grappling hand first. As soon as the wielder attempts to grab you, immediately elbow strike and pivot it off from the outside. Sidestepping or pivoting backwards is a bonus too. This throws the attacker off balance and crosses his trapping arm blocking his own knife hand. We've had great success with this tactic, have gone hard in sparring and it's been shown to avoid getting trapped in general.

Curtis Giesbrecht
Curtis Giesbrecht - 23.02.2016 03:04

Making the best of a bad situation. I know this is a technique in isolation but couldn't fail to think a pekiti side step would help augment the hit and the shoulder jam. Can't argue the fact you should never try to grab a knife in motion.

Ron Cook
Ron Cook - 15.02.2016 18:49

I was about to post my wariness of any defence that doesn't trap or block the attacking arm but I noted the comments about this as an option and that's the key, it's simply another technique in the arsenal to be use if the occasion demands. So Kudos to Mr B.

Rovin prince Hao
Rovin prince Hao - 14.02.2016 02:53

theres alot of triangles

Jack Shen
Jack Shen - 14.02.2016 00:34

in practicing scenarios like this, I live by the quote that Tom Sotis uses a lot.
"Tenderization (or softening) is the currency in which we buy compliance"

Mark Cruz
Mark Cruz - 13.02.2016 19:24

Thank you for sharing. Good info. Respect.

John Duncan
John Duncan - 09.02.2016 18:11

First, hit the eye...

Maia Coimbra
Maia Coimbra - 06.02.2016 01:49

i like your real life approach, the technique not so much but i understand the concept and i will not criticise your style because i respect any master / instructor.
even i don't like so much the technique it is only my taste ;) , not the technique that seems to be practical and functional
nevertheless , congratulations for you video
Oss !

4N0X1 - 03.02.2016 21:51

Inosanto doesn't teach a student to stay static nor linear. Footwork and OUTSIDE!

ThunderousWrath - 28.01.2016 08:21

Balicki's thinning hair is making him start to look like Dan Inosanto Jr...

Testa - 24.01.2016 13:52


Khairan Noor
Khairan Noor - 21.01.2016 10:37

According to my opinion, preventing move is best self defense. Just don't let your situation getting worse. When he just tries to draw his knife, you can seize his wrist and then disarm him. Or you can push him before he does a move, as hard as you can. Then you can escape. Simple, but it may save your life.

Julius Tirazona
Julius Tirazona - 21.01.2016 05:11

There are different techniques. This is one good technique in a surprise knife attack. Meaning you are most likely engaged in a fist fight with your opponent and suddenly pulled out a knife while he is already a feet away from you. As I always say, a technique is only effective on the situation it is intended for. There will not be a perfect technique because of so many factors in a fight. Factors can be size of the fighter, strength, speed, agility, body position, environment, etc... As long as you practice techniques that is best for you then your chances of surviving the fight is good. -Kali Warrior here from the Philippines.

Nicholas Wildman
Nicholas Wildman - 18.01.2016 16:16

Thanks for this Ron, some interesting techniques!

Do you teach any defenses that don't depend on a block first? In the techniques you demonstrated, the disarm depended on anticipating and intercepting the opponent's thrust, I prefer techniques that don't depend on your opponent doing what you expect them to do.


zoltan veres
zoltan veres - 17.01.2016 11:23

all defenses against weapon attacks where the defender stands his ground is just, to put it very mildly, BAD technique and BAD education.
the idea presented here is very good, but execution-wise it is poorly done because the primary defense in any danger is your MOVING away from where the attack is aimed at.

Matthew Spencer
Matthew Spencer - 16.01.2016 21:18

The moral of the story is, do not attack Ron Balicki because he is Awesome, and you will lose

the undead1
the undead1 - 16.01.2016 07:53

ron thanks for a great video. its real close to we just did in out bjj class. and our instructor feels the same if theres a knife get away if you have to fight do what we've been training. its better then letting then stab ya.

ABEJAR KOH - 15.01.2016 18:14

Yes, Filipino called it saksak!

MARS Action Group
MARS Action Group - 10.01.2016 23:39

Hi Everyone,

I am not saying that you will grab the armpit and retain it. I am saying that you can temporarily jam in to the pit and then go forward. I agree with most of you on this thread. I am talking about when your back is against the wall and with nowhere to run. This is a possibility, nothing more.

I will try and make a better video to explain my point. Thanks for keeping it classy on the posts.

Ric - 09.01.2016 19:02

your scared in severe fear and cant think pissing out blood about to collapse shit you wont be able to think, grab the wrist with both hands and push his arm outwards then just the closest hand belt over & over to the neck, then run away then assess the wounds is what the army do.

rolling thunda
rolling thunda - 09.01.2016 11:10

not sure if i'd agree 100%, but like most things, try it, use it, if you think it works keep it, if not throw it away, not everything works for everyone, some people are big, small, strong weak, with most things, it's a starting point..........

limang kalasag
limang kalasag - 08.01.2016 16:22

In this demo you can Target the EYES of the attacker in easy can use the right or left hand to poke the EYES.

Chaos Omega
Chaos Omega - 08.01.2016 12:34

This technique ain't got nothin' on the Dog Catcher defence!

Monroe Kelly
Monroe Kelly - 27.12.2015 04:35

Decent video but the techniques presented are advanced techniques, virtually useless for beginners and intermediate level combatives practitioners.

ch bu
ch bu - 26.12.2015 19:14

Can't say I would be a fan of this particular technique, it looks too problematic. I would rather move to his outside (on the side of the arm that grabbed you) and smash it away with my right forearm whilst, at the same time, creating distance. You would still have your left arm to deflect the stabs away and the right arm , if in reach, will be in prime position for a back fist and maybe side kick to the knee. Not trying to tell you what to do or anything, just a suggestion.
