Música Angelical Para Atraer Ángeles -  Cura todos los dolores del cuerpo y del alma, calma la mente

Música Angelical Para Atraer Ángeles - Cura todos los dolores del cuerpo y del alma, calma la mente

Espiritual Meditación

1 год назад

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@josemeireles6670 - 07.04.2023 04:29

Pai, Mãe, Amigo e Bem-Amado Deus. Que a pronunciação incessante e silenciosa do Teu Sagrado nome, conduza-nos à Tua semelhança.
Inspira-nos, para que a nossa adoração as coisas materiais, se transforme em adoração à Ti.
Que através da pureza de nossos corações, possa Teu reino de perfeição vir à terra e liberar todas as nações do sofrimento.
Que a nossa vontade se torne mais forte ao vencer os desejos mundanos e sintonize-se afinal com Tua vontade perfeita.
Dá-nos o pão de cada dia, alimento, saúde e prosperidade para o corpo; eficiência para a mente e sobretudo, Teu amor e sabedoria para a alma.
É tua lei que diz: “Com a mesma medida com que medirdes, também vos medirão”.
Que possamos perdoar aqueles que nos ofendem, sempre atentos à nossa própria necessidade de Tua imerecida misericórdia.
Não nos abandones no abismo das tentações em que caímos, pelo mal uso que temos feito da razão que nos concedeste.
E quando for Tua vontade submeter-nos à prova, oh Espírito, permite-nos compreender que Tu és muito mais fascinante do que qualquer tentação terrena.
Ajuda-nos a livrar-nos das tenebrosas cadeias do nosso único mal: não conhecer-Te.
Porque Teu é o Reino, o Poder e a Glória pelos séculos e séculos. Amém! 🖖 🙏🙏 אָמֵן 🙏 🖖 🙏🙏

@GunerGuner-cy3vd - 10.02.2024 05:57

Ola ❤❤❤❤❤

@pavelmarvel2502 - 09.02.2024 21:10


@user-sc6ob8uh1n - 09.02.2024 20:03


@user-sc6ob8uh1n - 09.02.2024 19:58

Todos los seres humanos tenemos dentro de nuestro ser nuestro cerebro nuestra mente nuestra ALMA DE PAZ DE LIBERTAD si la ignoramos nos invade el MAL EL DAÑO Y SI PASA ESO le hace daño a nuestro projimo el mal que se le hace a nuestro projimo ese mismo mal ese mismo daño nos sige a nosotros si los gobierno de todos los paises hacen mal a sus projimos de otros paises ese mismo mal los sige a ellos es la sombra de ellos los Angeles los Arcangeles a traves dedel PODER DE DIOS DEL ESPIRITU SANTO VEN COMO AYUDAR A NUESTROS PROJIMOS A TRAVES DE ÑA PALABRA DE DIOS AMEN

@Jim-hs8fz - 09.02.2024 19:05

I have fallen to far ... You don't have to judg me... I will not aproch you... I will just turn and walk away... I know where i belong... My hart is so broken beond words... Jesus tell god he dosn't need to call me befor his throne i allready know im not worthy too even look at him...

@user-sc6ob8uh1n - 09.02.2024 18:54

Que los Angeles a trabes del poder de Dios Padre Espiritu Danto limpien a los que estan poseidos por mal que no sigan hviendo daño a los seres humanos niestro projimo AMEN

@user-sc6ob8uh1n - 09.02.2024 18:47

Dios Padre Todo Poderoso y Jesús Cristo hijo de Dios y María Siempre Virgen madre de Jesús Cristo a través de los angeles Arcángeles llegue su poder para que los que están POSEIDOS por el MAL en su ser en su mente su cerebro su alma expulsen los angeles con el poder del Santo Espiritu para que todo nuestro prójimo vivamos en PAZ A TRAVES DE LA PALABRA DE DIOS AMEN

@user-sc6ob8uh1n - 09.02.2024 16:51

Gracias Dios padre todo poderoso gracias Jesús Cristo gracias Santa María madre de Jesús Cristo por tener a los Angeles entre nosotros con el Espíritu Santo aquí en la Fas del planeta tierra nuestra Casa que Dios padre creo para nosotros los seres humanos los seres humanos que están POSEIDOS por el mal que están haciendo mal atacando en GUERRAS están POSEIDOS en su cerebro en su ser en su mente son los que están en los gobiernos de los países que atacan a su prójimo para invadir los en su territorios parte de su casa que es nuestra casa el planeta tierra creada por Dios Padre Todo Poderoso DIOS PADRE TODO PODEROSO as que vean los que están POSEIDOS por el MAL que no deben de dañar a su prójimo AMEN todos los seres humanos que estamos a lado de Dios Padre Todo Poderoso OREMOS para los gobiernos que están POSEIDOS por el MAL ya no sigan haciendo daño a su prójimo AMEN que la PAZ REYNE EN EL NOMBRE DE DIOS AMEN

@marthabecht6997 - 09.02.2024 10:07

Qué bendición de música angelical !! ❤
Para quien lea este mensaje; Qué tú vida este llena de hermosas noticias, milagros esperados e inesperados, de sueños cristalizados, de una vida altamente bendecida en todo sentido: Salud, amor, prosperidad, paz, bienestar, armonía en todas tus relaciones, buenos ingresos y una excelente y extraordinaria calidad de vida, rodead@ de ángeles y arcángeles por doquier. Así sea para todos, amén, amén, amén 🙏🏻🌠💫

@user-ls6yi7ij8r - 09.02.2024 02:15


@vanluu8024 - 08.02.2024 16:55

Tôi bệnh hoài ngày nào còn nguoutoi hay chồng mặt và đầu thần kinh vabung tôi đâu thốn ngồi là thốn trong bụng tôi cũng nguyện cầu chưa mẹ cho con chong quá bệnh tật

@mariannashilova9290 - 08.02.2024 11:15

Благодарю создателей этой Божественной музыки! Пусть Ангелы всегда нам помогают и берегут всю мою семью! Пусть будет везде мир!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 2:5

@user-zu6eb5gu4z - 08.02.2024 09:18

Замечательная музыка,очень странные чувства переполняют при прослушивании ощущения что выходишь из тела и это все твое пространство,и ты летишь к звёздам ,тебе легко и хорошо ,Господь с нами мы в вечности бытия.

@B14625 - 08.02.2024 03:09


@rajvinderkaur7213 - 08.02.2024 00:18

I saw an angel when I was on the physcatrist ward n lord jesus spirit entered my home I am blessed amen

@user-bk9gm3mk1q - 07.02.2024 18:25

Я тоже умею имцелять людей

@user-rk1cu5mo5m - 07.02.2024 15:03


@remedios189 - 07.02.2024 09:52

Ángeles Glorisos y maravillosos vengan aquí están invitados en la vida de mis hijos y en la mía,hermosa música.

@user-zl3ho2zk1c - 07.02.2024 06:49

This heavenly music is so relaxing from the upstate of South Carolina and yes we are a red state and stand with texas

@liviotorniai - 06.02.2024 23:53

Obrigado meu anjo de guarda eu te amo e amo jesus e o pai jose e maria e minha mãe Rosa torniai

@user-vd2tc9or3z - 06.02.2024 17:46

We dont worshi angels for we worship the One and only true God who is Christ Jesus, who taught us to worship God the Father in Spirit, for Only God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is Divine. We dont worship created being like angels, cause people who worship angels are under Satan spell. For it is God who justifies it was Christ who was crucified, who was the Only begotten Son of God who came from above out of the Father bossoms who was concieved of the Holy Spirit of God to be born of a virgin to live a human life, to bring us away from worshipping angels for Satan desires to be worship and wants to sit on God's throne but he cant because he corrupted the created man that God created in His image and likeness. And this is what our Lord Jesus came to do on the cross, that on the cross He stripped Satan of His powers and put Him to shame. And Angels are not the true life, or light, For the true life and light is God Himself who is of eternity who is indestructible, incorruptible uncreated eternal life. And that what Christ is as the Son God He brought down the heavenly ladder which is the Holy Spirit. And as the Firstborn Son of God from the dead.. That on the cross He destroyed Satan the Devil and his angels and put them to shame. That Jesus came to joined God to man that is He came that man maybe redeemed through His precious blood that was shed on the cross for our sins, and He judged Satan the devil. That everything thag on the cross that is of the old creation has been judged, that is the Old creation, that was one with Satan, the old man, the flesh, sin, Satan the devil and the world is being judged by JESUS CHRIST the One who was crucified and resurrected and ascended to the heavens and sat down on the right hand side of the throne of God with the glory of God. The Son of Man who sits on the throne of God. That man is the center of God's economy this is what Jesus came to show us the purpose of why God created man for, that Christ came that we maybe born of God in our human spirit that is regenerated with the Spirit of God. And that is where we worship God in our regenerated spirit. This is eternal life. So we dont worship angelic beings that was created by God, for they dont have a body for God to dwell in. That why man is the center of God's economy. That is in Christ we are a new creation which is God mingled together with man in One spirit, this new man new creation was created through Christ putting the old creation to death on the cross, and was buried in Christ's death, and it was through His resurrection that God in Christ created the One new man, and that God gave Christ the 4 fourfold power, the resurrection power the ascending power, the subjecting power, and the Heading up power. That Christ is the Head of the Body. That those who worship angels worship Satan the devil. And are a headless, for Satan lost everything through Christ's death and resurrection. That everything that is of Satan is under the Lord's feet. For Christ is the promise seed that was promise to us fon God in the garden of Eden, when He told Satan that He will put enmity between Satan seed and the woman seed, and Jesus is the blessing of Abraham to all manking as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit. That the cross is fooliness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved in Christ it is the power of God and the wisdom of God. That is Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God. And ther is no name above the name of Jesus, for He is the word of God, the expression of God as life, light, righteouness, holiness, grace and reality. That His name means 'The Salvation of Jehovah, YeShua, Jehovah, YeShua, our Saviour. And you wonder why people who are under Satan spell by worshipping angels are sick and are dying like flies, because that what you get when you worship angels the created beings and not the God the Father. For everyone who worships angel are under God's cursed. That is a fact.

@user-jy4ff7jb2p - 06.02.2024 13:01

Angeles d Dios. Gracias, le bellos❤❤

@FrancoiseMone - 06.02.2024 10:53

Seigneur ce matin j'ai reçu la nouvelle que mon père est malade mais je n'ai rien pour le soigner

@FernandoGuzman-jx6lg - 06.02.2024 08:07

Bella Música ❤

@charlottejones7341 - 06.02.2024 00:55

Thanks for your help in my womb and body and mind and heart and soul in Jesus name Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

@BafourBenjamin - 05.02.2024 18:03

It's amazing wow

@almitagarcia8871 - 05.02.2024 12:47

Deus Jesúcristy gracias por dejar ver a tan hermoso angelito bebe precioso

@user-hh9mn4zl9d - 04.02.2024 22:08

Слава Господу Богу Иисусу Христу вечное Слава Слава Слава весь смысл жизни нашей это быть и жить с Иисусом и славить Его любимого нашего Живого Бога Аминь ❤

@ashokkoli725 - 04.02.2024 21:20


@MariaDaysi - 04.02.2024 13:52

Mi seguridad esta en cristo Jesús porque tengo fe en el y el guarda hs mis hijos

@MariaDaysi - 04.02.2024 13:49

Amen haci sea

@JuanbautistaGarcia-yy5eu - 04.02.2024 06:18

Angel me cuidas ami todos los dia y noche a mi trabajo también ángel mio tu eres ángel de nosotros en el mundo ame

@user-yb4tl3rd9u - 03.02.2024 06:34


@user-tu2fr9lr8i - 02.02.2024 20:52

Αρχάγγελε μου βοήθησε με όπως τότε που έφυγα με τα παιδιά μου και τα κατάφερα βοηθάμε και τώρα να βρω μια δουλειτσα με αξιοπρέπεια ευλόγησε με γλυκέ μου στρατηλάτη πρόσεχε όλα τα παιδιά του κόσμου καλέ μου και γω θα αγοράσω την εικόνα σου να τη βάλω προσκέφαλο 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏αμην ❤

@user-cx8tn6gh9e - 02.02.2024 16:38

Up for grab

@user-cx8tn6gh9e - 02.02.2024 16:37


@user-cx8tn6gh9e - 02.02.2024 16:37

Pai, mae , amigo e bem-amado deua. Pue a pronunciacao incessantw ensilenciosa do teu sagrado , nome comduza-nos a tua semelhanca.
Imspira-nos, para que a nossa adoraco as coisaa

@catherinecellier3605 - 02.02.2024 00:32

C'est la music de :noir comme l'amour.

@prof.pierremanimontdrsc8531 - 01.02.2024 14:30

To jsou ale nesmysly.

@jesabelcruz8981 - 01.02.2024 06:58

Que asi sea.

@luisfigueroa4436 - 01.02.2024 05:29


@_mr._no_name_1427 - 01.02.2024 00:59

Hat geholfen 😊Hatte starke Blähungen. Jetzt nicht mehr 😊

@user-ns5vs4pc7e - 01.02.2024 00:21

Ppr favor dNa mi alma h purifica mi corazon regresMe mis estremidDes mis bfrazos y manos ese infarto en el cerebro me dwjo asi no pldia caminR bi GarrsrnD con mimNo izquuerda me dejo con la mitad zel curpo parslisin mover plr la gracia de dios y .i fe y w.piezo a xaminar pero fsmt godVia de un 100xciento caminomi cuerpp esta a un 50 0porciento regresMe mi ltro t0bpor ciento telo pido wn el nombre de jesusi diis gjene un ñropodito pR mi graciadamen

@mariatabarez953 - 31.01.2024 21:40

angel delaguarda cuide mis camino y mi suerte en mi vida mucha paz en argentina mucho amor por el projimo niño niña amen ❤❤🙏✨️

@user-jn3nw2zq3g - 31.01.2024 20:56

Dieser Klang ist so wunderbar. Der Person, die diesen Kommentar liest, wünsche ich viel Erfolg, Gesundheit, Liebe und Glück!

@OrquideaGalvez - 31.01.2024 06:46

Angel d la guarda intercede ppr nosotros mis hijos mis nietos mi esposo mis hermanos y hermanos ppr mi Amen

@chrisaida123 - 31.01.2024 02:26

This is what peace feels like i cry in a peaceful way thank you for this message it touvhes my heart profoundly my friend Continue attracting out angels to come near to those who believe in angels like you ❤
