University Of Sydney Geologist Sabin Zahirovic

Wollongong Uni Earth Science Department proposed closure Sabin Zahirovic 113 54 года назад
Session III: DCO Synthesis - Sabin Zahirovic Deep Carbon 157 5 лет назад
Southeast Asia plate tectonic evolution - regional view Sabin Zahirovic 4,228 10 лет назад
Plate tectonics, Paleogeography, & Ice Ages (dual hemispheres) Christopher Scotese 365,501 5 лет назад
Plate Tectonics at 50 (William Smith Meeting, October 2017) Session 2 The Geological Society 6,063 7 лет назад
GPlates and pyGPlates Workshop Day2 EarthByte 1,657 2 года назад
Earth 100 Million Years From Now SpaceRip 21,112,583 14 лет назад
University of Sydney Campus Tour! PPI Australia Official 21,174 6 лет назад
GPlates and pyGPlates Workshop Day4 EarthByte 1,118 2 года назад
Welcome to the University of Sydney The University of Sydney 4,136 7 месяцев назад
Expanding Earth and Pangaea Theory CoolScienceVideos 1,143,539 14 лет назад
GPlates tutorial Part 1 Lydian Boschman 29,091 7 лет назад
GPlates: The Supercontinent - Worldbuilder’s Log 10 Artifexian 64,863 2 года назад
Sabin Zahirovic & Tristan Salles: LLP 16.06.22 Landscapes Live 577 2 года назад
Expanding our vision of space and time: EarthByte Deep Carbon 398 5 лет назад
Southeast Asia plate tectonic evolution - old model Sabin Zahirovic 3,644 10 лет назад
Southeast Asia tectonic evolution with colour-coded terranes Sabin Zahirovic 8,774 10 лет назад
SSEAC Workshop: Demystifying Spatial Data Sydney Southeast Asia Centre 83 1 год назад
Southeast Asia plate tectonic evolution - plate velocities Sabin Zahirovic 2,238 10 лет назад
Academic Pathways Workshop (August 2023) Sydney Southeast Asia Centre 190 1 год назад
What is it like studying geosciences at Sydney? Faculty of Science, University of Sydney 302 4 года назад
Tectonic reconstruction of Westeros and Essos in GPlates Sabin Zahirovic 36,681 5 лет назад
GPlates and pyGPlates Workshop Day3 EarthByte 1,355 2 года назад
DDE Paleogeography Working Group E-Learning Corgi 165 3 года назад
GPlates and pyGPlates Workshop Day1 EarthByte 5,603 2 года назад