
What's the creepiest thing your child has ever said to you? UnderSparked 7,649 5 часов назад
Landlords, what are your tenant horror stories? UnderSparked 60,761 13 дней назад
Parents with nanny cams, what have you caught your babysitter doing? UnderSparked 229,392 8 месяцев назад
What was the most shocking thing the weird kid did at your school? UnderSparked 99,216 6 месяцев назад
Workers who got their bosses fired, what happened? UnderSparked 146,894 3 месяца назад
When did your "something's not right" gut feeling save you? UnderSparked 491,051 5 месяцев назад
What is your "oh crap, I need to LEAVE right now!" story? UnderSparked 186,720 4 месяца назад
Teachers, when did karma finally hit the horrible student? UnderSparked 337,935 3 месяца назад
Cops, what has been the creepiest call you've ever had to respond to? UnderSparked 93,964 8 месяцев назад
Teachers, what's the worst thing you've had to confiscate? UnderSparked 99,002 2 недели назад
Bosses, what's the most obnoxious reason you had to fire someone for? UnderSparked 119,132 3 месяца назад
What wedding moment made you think "they're not gonna last long"? UnderSparked 198,935 2 месяца назад
What's something you saw that you definitely were not supposed to see? UnderSparked 162,927 5 месяцев назад
Landlords, what are your tenant horror stories? UnderSparked 60,761 13 дней назад
What's the stupidest reason you got in trouble in school? UnderSparked 66,624 3 месяца назад
Teachers, what is the biggest red flag you've seen in a student? UnderSparked 80,401 2 недели назад
Teachers, what is the darkest thing you've seen from a student? UnderSparked 75,913 5 месяцев назад
What highly illeg*l incident took place at your school? UnderSparked 117,746 2 месяца назад
Cops, what was your "holy crap, this criminal is a genius" moment? UnderSparked 146,225 1 месяц назад
Private investigators, what's the darkest thing you've uncovered? UnderSparked 134,382 3 недели назад
Why did that one kid get expelled from school? UnderSparked 95,003 3 месяца назад