Tradition Orthodoxe

Sectarians - Answers from Metropolitan Demetrius and Father Leonidas Pittos Orthodox Tradition 4,371 4 месяца назад
9:00 PM (EST) - Holy Nativity Vigil & Divine Liturgy Orthodox Tradition 2,671 2 месяца назад
6:15pm - Vigil - Small Compline, Vespers, Matins, 1st Hour Orthodox Tradition 1,041 1 месяц назад
The Media Is Programming You While the Church Is Deprogramming You Orthodox Tradition 7,242 3 месяца назад
Byzantine Tradition L 27 Byzantine Tradition 381 2 дня назад
Understanding Eastern Orthodoxy - Denominations Explained Redeemed Zoomer 220,759 7 месяцев назад
6:15 PM (EST) - VIGIL - Saint Xenia of Saint Petersburg Orthodox Tradition 1,521 1 месяц назад
I'm an “Old-Calendarist”, You're Not. I Didn't Change, You Did. Orthodox Tradition 8,244 5 месяцев назад
8:30 AM (EST) Sunday - 3rd & 6th Hours, Divine Liturgy Orthodox Tradition 1,002 2 месяца назад
8:30 AM (EST) Sunday - 3rd & 6th Hours, Divine Liturgy Orthodox Tradition 924 2 месяца назад