The Musicologist

The Late Dr. Ivan Polunin - The Musicologist Joe Peters 128 1 год назад
Instruments of the Orchestra The Musicologist 317,664 4 года назад
The D’Andrea Lee 580 12 лет назад
Skills Needed to Be a Musicologist 3,161 7 лет назад
Understanding the Leitmotif The Musicologist 61,254 4 года назад
Film Music that Copied Classical Music TwoSetViolin 2,756,762 4 года назад
Music Motifs Challenge Amy Hartl 20,399 4 года назад
Name the Notes - Music Notation Quiz (treble clef) The Musicologist 27,630 4 года назад
Un Barbier d'après Rossini - Atelier chant Théâtre des Champs-Elysées 443 7 лет назад
Henry Fogel in conversation with Greg Sandow 1 of 6 PolyphonicOrg atEastman (Polyphonic Org) 286 15 лет назад
Dr. Ralph P. Locke: Social Responsibility of the Musicologist 5 of 5 PolyphonicOrg atEastman (Polyphonic Org) 201 15 лет назад
Matt Mullican UCLA Design Media Arts 21 6 лет назад
Evolution of Indian Cinema~Dr.Gautam Chatterjee Vyanjana Art and Culture Society 96 7 лет назад