The Electric Underground

Stellar Blade Is Shallow And Deceptive | Review The Electric Underground 74,897 9 месяцев назад
Bayonetta 3 is Overrated and Watered Down. Nintendo Switch Review The Electric Underground 31,930 2 года назад
F-Zero GX is From The Future! | Review The Electric Underground 27,307 3 месяца назад
TOP 5 HARDEST Shoot Em Ups on the Mega Drive Shmup Junkie 29,229 4 года назад
[Reviewplay] Blazing Chrome 1cc Normal (Mavra) With Commentary The Electric Underground 3,583 5 лет назад
Underground Electrical Wiring & Codes For A Spa Peterson Electric 36,075 6 лет назад
Crimzon Clover World EXplosion REVIEW (Switch) - Bullet Heaven #283 Mudprints (Etrem) 11,715 4 года назад
TOP 5 HARDEST Shoot Em Ups on the Playstation Shmup Junkie 70,541 4 года назад
I wasn't ready for F Zero GX Kit3k 10,681 10 месяцев назад
Check Out Treasure's Legendary Shooting Games | Radiant Silvergun and Ikaruga The Retrospective Gamer 11,050 4 года назад
What True Innovation Looks Like! Shadow of the Ninja - Reborn | Review The Electric Underground 77,993 6 месяцев назад
Armored Core VI is Underwhelming (But Solid) The Electric Underground 17,027 1 год назад
Shmup Slam 7 Announcement Trailer! May 17th and 18th The Electric Underground 4,726 3 месяца назад
Difficulty IS Content! A conversation with @TheElectricUnderground The No-Frauds Club 21,264 11 месяцев назад
Resident Evil 5 OWNS Remake 4! The Electric Underground 35,167 1 год назад
Can It Unite the Fans? Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Review The Electric Underground 52,976 1 месяц назад
Passion Against Reason: A Shmup Documentary The Electric Underground 43,297 1 год назад
Top 10 Favorite Shoot Em' Ups and Shmup Studios! The Electric Underground 34,197 3 года назад