Td Jakes

Blind to the Bread - Bishop T.D. Jakes The Potter’s House of Dallas 1,093,838 2 года назад
Caught - Bishop T.D. Jakes The Potter’s House of Dallas 1,858,486 2 года назад
Anointed Alignment - Bishop T.D. Jakes The Potter’s House of Dallas 3,345,450 3 года назад
Working Through Hard Places - Bishop T.D. Jakes The Potter’s House of Dallas 1,302,001 1 год назад
The Power to Stop - Bishop T.D. Jakes The Potter’s House of Dallas 1,444,339 1 год назад
Dig Your Way Out Of It - Bishop T.D. Jakes and Friends The Potter’s House of Dallas 3,752,253 3 года назад
The Theology of Quietness - Bishop T.D. Jakes The Potter’s House of Dallas 1,082,496 7 месяцев назад
Timing Is Everything - Bishop T.D. Jakes The Potter’s House of Dallas 10,181,851 2 года назад
Trust Your Wings - Bishop T.D. Jakes The Potter’s House of Dallas 613,799 5 месяцев назад
Blessed By The Best - Bishop T.D. Jakes The Potter’s House of Dallas 530,916 1 год назад
Spiritual Maturity - Bishop T.D. Jakes The Potter’s House of Dallas 1,173,110 2 года назад
Crazy Like A Fox - Bishop T.D. Jakes The Potter’s House of Dallas 332,126 3 месяца назад
Bishop T.D. Jakes | Collaborate With God Tudor Bismark 172,156 3 месяца назад
T.D. Jakes: Give Your Needs to God and He WILL Provide | Full Sermons on TBN TBN: Full Sermons & Teachings 211,114 3 месяца назад
Purpose in my Prison - Bishop T.D. Jakes The Potter’s House of Dallas 548,019 4 месяца назад
Bishop T.D. Jakes suffers health incident after delivering sermon CBS TEXAS 391,206 3 месяца назад
Tomorrow Belongs to God - Bishop T.D. Jakes The Potter’s House of Dallas 4,948,303 2 года назад