Tall El Hammam

Is Tall el-Hammam Sodom? With Dr. Steven Collins (Part 1) PatternsOfEvidence 10,606 1 месяц назад
No, Tall el-Hammam is NOT Sodom: A Reply to IP The Bible Skeptic 7,814 3 года назад
Sodom Discovered? The Case of Tall el Hammam Beneath the Bible 826 1 год назад
SNEAK PEEK: Is Tall el-Hammam Sodom? With Dr. Steven Collins (Part 2) PatternsOfEvidence 2,936 1 месяц назад
Sodom und Gomorra: Gab es sie wirklich? | Timeline Deutschland Timeline Deutschland 130,166 4 месяца назад
Jordan - Biblical Site: Tall El-Hammam/Shittim Daisy Leahy 1,754 4 года назад
Tall el Hammam Season 5 Report: the Temple tallelhammam 1,230 15 лет назад
Tell el-Hammam - City destroyed by Air-burst laniākean 2,536 1 год назад
عمر العبداللات - السلط | ألبوم المحافظات Omar AlAbdallat l عمر العبداللات 3,234,533 4 года назад
Is this the true location of Biblical Sodom? The Cosmic Summit 5,491 5 месяцев назад
Tales of the Tell from 2023 Troweling Down 1,118 1 год назад
Is Tall el-Hammam Sodom? New Study Backs Up Genesis Story TomoNews US 10,791 3 года назад
What's new in 2023 at Tall el-Hammam? Troweling Down 6,932 2 года назад