Sk Adventures

We made a giant pyrotechnic cannon for firecrackers! (EXPERIMENT) SK Adventures 156,722 2 месяца назад
Cobra 8 vs SILVER BUTTON ! (EXPERIMENT) SK Adventures 202,384 1 год назад
Our tire exploded while driving in Russia at -40°C! (OYMYAKON Part 10.) SK Adventures 247,062 8 месяцев назад
Fake Cobra 8 & DumBum 5g ?! (Dismantling of firecrackers) SK Adventures 364,143 3 года назад
FIRECRACKER TEST UNDER THE POTS ! Pot special (EXPERIMENT) SK Adventures 334,565 2 года назад
Dum Bum 170 a lietajúca práčka - TEST SILNÝCH PETÁRD ! SK Adventures 361,671 4 года назад
Computers vs Firecrackers! RIP Windows XP (EXPERIMENT) SK Adventures 227,604 2 года назад
MONSTER 100 vs 100kg cast iron tub and wooden boxes! (EXPERIMENT) SK Adventures 135,316 2 месяца назад
Radiators vs SUPER POWERFUL pyrotechnics! (EXPERIMENT) SK Adventures 130,023 3 месяца назад
FAIL on a frozen lake ! SK Adventures 384,810 5 лет назад
Firecrackers vs. Fridge - A test of strong firecrackers! SK Adventures 1,199,362 3 года назад
200m komín Chemko - Strážske (NAHÁŇAČKA SO STRÁŽNIKOM) SK Adventures 255,554 2 года назад
Abandoned "house" on the river Dunaj ! SK Adventures 166,305 1 год назад
Detonating dry trees with firecrackers! (EXPERIMENT) SK Adventures 300,614 1 год назад
Firecrackers vs indestructible Boiler - THE POLICE CAME! (Again) SK Adventures 2,590,798 2 года назад
FIRECRACKERS vs GAS and a huge test of new pyrotechnics! (EXPERIMENT) SK Adventures 152,358 3 месяца назад