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scarlett johansson shutting down sexist comments for 5 min straight Ariana Johnson 14,429,901 4 года назад
Tackling industry sexism Castanet News 924 2 года назад
SEXISM SoroptimistEurope 87,708 5 лет назад
Everyday sexism | Laura Bates | TEDxOxford TEDx Talks 138,695 10 лет назад
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Women Should Be Silent? Sexism in the Bible - Cliffe and Stuart Knechtle Alex O'Connor 408,520 3 месяца назад
NY Times blames 'sexism' for Kamala Harris' election woes Fox News 55,349 4 месяца назад
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Any form of sexism is bad Desmond Fambrini 277 1 год назад
What Happened to Modern Feminism? Whatifalthist 500,971 1 год назад
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