Sam Witteveen

Introducing The New Champion of Function Calling! Sam Witteveen 5,779 22 часа назад
Anthropic's Latest Winner - Workbench Sam Witteveen 17,222 8 дней назад
InternLM - A Strong Agentic Model? Sam Witteveen 13,508 13 дней назад
What is an LLM Router? Sam Witteveen 25,332 2 недели назад
The 4 Big Changes in LLMs Sam Witteveen 16,701 2 недели назад
Gemma 2 - Local RAG with Ollama and LangChain Sam Witteveen 14,022 2 недели назад
Gemma 2 - Google's New 9B and 27B Open Weights Models Sam Witteveen 15,113 3 недели назад
Florence 2 - The Best Small VLM Out There? Sam Witteveen 12,908 3 недели назад
Claude 3.5 beats GPT4-o !! Sam Witteveen 14,218 3 недели назад
How to save money with Gemini Context Caching Sam Witteveen 6,299 4 недели назад
The 4 Big Changes in LLMs Sam Witteveen 16,701 2 недели назад
What is an LLM Router? Sam Witteveen 25,332 2 недели назад
Gemma 2 - Local RAG with Ollama and LangChain Sam Witteveen 14,022 2 недели назад
Master CrewAI: Your Ultimate Beginner's Guide! Sam Witteveen 64,990 3 месяца назад
InternLM - A Strong Agentic Model? Sam Witteveen 13,508 13 дней назад
Llama3 + CrewAI + Groq = Email AI Agent Sam Witteveen 54,325 2 месяца назад
GPT-4o: What They Didn't Say! Sam Witteveen 31,296 2 месяца назад
How to save money with Gemini Context Caching Sam Witteveen 6,299 4 недели назад
Uncover The Unexpected Best Model In The Claude 3 Suite! Sam Witteveen 10,401 4 месяца назад
5 Problems Getting LLM Agents into Production Sam Witteveen 12,522 1 месяц назад
LangGraph Crash Course with code examples Sam Witteveen 68,442 5 месяцев назад
The 5 Types of LLM Apps Sam Witteveen 27,002 6 месяцев назад
Mesop - Google's New UI Maker Sam Witteveen 69,893 1 месяц назад
Anthropic's Meta Prompt: A Must-try! Sam Witteveen 89,122 4 месяца назад
Claude 3.5 beats GPT4-o !! Sam Witteveen 14,218 3 недели назад
Gemma 2 - Google's New 9B and 27B Open Weights Models Sam Witteveen 15,113 3 недели назад
Google is Finally Doing Agents Sam Witteveen 12,176 2 месяца назад