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Our First in Person Premiere in a LONG time! RoniAndNessa 127,413 3 года назад
The Most BORING Youtubers... RoniAndNessa 518,739 4 года назад
She Waited 6 MONTHS For This... RoniAndNessa 681,493 4 года назад
Our First Time at Disneyland! Disneyland Reopening 2021! RoniAndNessa 391,035 3 года назад
Life Of A College Youtuber RoniAndNessa 1,676,662 7 лет назад
A Day in The Life with Roni & Nessa *super accurate* RoniAndNessa 1,902,867 4 года назад
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Surprising Our Dad for his Birthday! (VLOG) RoniAndNessa 296,244 3 года назад
How Much Does RoniAndNessa Make On YouTube Dose Of Wisdom 13 4 года назад
roni and nessa funniest intro moments Merrelland 3,207 3 года назад
Roni and Nessa's birthday video Supergirl Fan 12 6 месяцев назад
We are going to start vlogging more! - Merrell Twins RoniAndNessa 467,699 7 лет назад
Roni and Nessa are at the Instagram event as the VidCon event Supergirl Fan 27 6 месяцев назад
Tattoo Prank on Our Dad! RoniAndNessa 366,823 3 года назад
They are engaged! I’m so happy for the both of them!!️️ Merrellbangtan 11,721 2 года назад
My First Time At a Gym! RoniAndNessa 378,762 4 года назад
Baking With Roni! - Raspberry Tart RoniAndNessa 541,986 3 года назад