
What Can Presuppers Learn from Classical Apologists? Revealed Apologetics 703 3 года назад
Do Presuppers Conflate Ontology & Epistemology? Revealed Apologetics 2,433 3 года назад
Presupper Denies Spanky Planet Peterson 12,209 8 месяцев назад
Can Presuppers Escape from Brain in the Vat Scenarios? Revealed Apologetics 1,042 3 года назад
Helping JMike Help Atheists with Presuppers Presup Ninja 259 1 месяц назад
One more for the presuppers Suicideforcelluloid 324 11 лет назад
Presuppers and Redefined Living(Sam) #presuppositionalism Captive Desk 40 9 месяцев назад
Facebook Presuppers Unite Revealed Apologetics 761 1 год назад
Questions for Presuppers Fail? Bitchspot Blog 608 2 года назад
Quick Thought on Internet Presuppers Episcopalian Christian Apologist 132 4 года назад
Eating a Christian Presup for a Snack. PineCreek 14,752 2 года назад
Presuppers tell you that you need to "start with God," but here's some things they don't tell you. written.philosophy.debate.challenge 11 6 месяцев назад
Supping w/ Presuppers: Scratchpad Edition Noah Adam 7,566 9 лет назад
JHC and Jack debate Christian presupper Tom Rabbittt 12,750 4 года назад
PMars Destroys Presuppositionalism breakfasttacos 378 9 месяцев назад
The Presuppositionalist Equivocation Martymer 81 13,630 8 лет назад