Pokemon Metagame

Pokemon TCG History - 1999 Competitive Meta Ruby Retro 441,106 2 года назад
Pokemon's Inverse Battle Metagame Is... Interesting Freezai 218,501 3 месяца назад
Pokemon's WORST Competitive Metagame. Jimothy Cool 122,339 55 лет назад
The Pokémon Stadium Rentals Metagame Big Yellow 486,824 1 год назад
The Move that Influenced the Metagame for Over a Decade - Singles False Swipe Gaming 226,279 1 год назад
Pokemon Metagames Lost to Time. Jimothy Cool 75,793 2 месяца назад
The Best Metagame: Pokemon Sun and Moon OU blunder 14,079 1 день назад
THIS STRATEGY BROKE THE GAME META! (Pokemon TCG Pocket) Marku5GG - Pocket 2,334 4 дня назад
What is the Best Support Move for EVERY Pokemon Type? Jimothy Cool 130,327 2 месяца назад
Why are Latias and Latios used on completely different teams? Parasitoid Pod 14,533 5 дней назад
Hoopa might not be broken in ORAS... BKC 10,113 1 год назад
They Unbanned MEGA BLAZIKEN! So I had to use it... pokeaimMD 122,850 2 года назад
The worst metagame of all time BKC 35,890 1 год назад
The RBY Ubers Metagame Reverend 493,220 2 года назад
DPP Ubers: the lead metagame BKC 34,617 3 года назад
The ADV OU Lead Metagame BKC 21,441 10 месяцев назад
The Greatest Metagame You Never Heard Of pokeaimMD 91,980 1 год назад
The Bad Pokemon That Appears in Broken Metagames False Swipe Gaming 182,280 5 месяцев назад
Why are Pokemon VSTAR DOMINATING the Pokemon TCG metagame!? tablemon 4,353 4 месяца назад
RISING Pokemon Metagame Trends in Scarlet & Violet Chompy 21,489 9 месяцев назад