Nathan Kutz

Scientific Computing with J. Nathan Kutz Coursera 10,360 12 лет назад
J. Nathan Kutz: "Coordinates, governing equations and limits of model discovery" Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM) 2,179 5 лет назад
Introduction to Machine Learning: NN Time-Stepper Nathan Kutz 1,226 6 месяцев назад
Dynamic Mode Decomposition (Theory) Nathan Kutz 48,718 6 лет назад
Nathan Kutz - The Dynamic Mode Decomposition - A Data-Driven Algorithm The Alan Turing Institute 6,457 1 год назад
Green's functions, Delta functions and distribution theory Nathan Kutz 49,429 4 года назад
Nathan Kutz: The future of governing equations Machine Learning and Dynamical Systems Seminar 1,840 1 год назад
Phase-plane analysis for nonlinear dynamics Nathan Kutz 13,735 4 года назад
Poincaré Podcast #19 - J. Nathan Kutz Matteo Manzi 326 3 года назад
Linear Operators and their Adjoints Nathan Kutz 21,701 4 года назад
Neural Network Basics Nathan Kutz 8,245 6 лет назад
Data Driven Discovery of Dynamical Systems and PDEs Nathan Kutz 24,863 7 лет назад
Neural Networks for Dynamical Systems Nathan Kutz 27,387 4 года назад
Introduction to Machine Learning: Neural Networks Nathan Kutz 1,136 6 месяцев назад
Compressive Sensing Nathan Kutz 13,336 4 года назад