Mrw Ntr Tkat

Yah the Egyptian Moon God vs. Yahweh mrw nTr tkAt 53,024 12 лет назад
The Stolen SUN GODS of the "Hebrews/Israelites" Ra & Shemesh mrw nTr tkAt 6,044 12 лет назад
Allah is NOT inscribed in Merenptah's Temple of Ptah mrw nTr tkAt 2,375 12 лет назад
Yah: The Egyptian Moon God -- The Remix! mrw nTr tkAt 5,657 12 лет назад
Exodus Decoded "Amo Israel" debunked! mrw nTr tkAt 15,723 12 лет назад
Jesus Christ: a COPY of Horus & Osiris? (Heru & Ausar) mrw nTr tkAt 25,838 12 лет назад
Allah in Pre Dynastic Nubia Temple of Ptah: Round Two! mrw nTr tkAt 2,325 12 лет назад
Is the Bible,...the "Word of God?" mrw nTr tkAt 2,090 12 лет назад
Religion: a "Testament" of mental illness? mrw nTr tkAt 2,872 12 лет назад