
The Best Melee Infantry Unit in Warhammer 3 LegendofTotalWar 28,094 5 часов назад
This Weapons Team is Screwed LegendofTotalWar 39,231 1 день назад
How unwinnable are we talking about here? LegendofTotalWar 86,437 4 дня назад
Dumb LegendofTotalWar 50,278 3 дня назад
A Vampire's Worst Nightmare LegendofTotalWar 82,134 3 месяца назад
Tank This LegendofTotalWar 44,755 2 дня назад
Retreat is not an option. Defeat means the end of the campaign. LegendofTotalWar 54,616 6 дней назад
Cathay's Uno Reverse Card LegendofTotalWar 75,342 2 месяца назад
I'm Addicted to Age of Wonders 4 LegendofTotalWar 257,991 2 месяца назад
Thermopylae except it's Rats LegendofTotalWar 167,640 5 месяцев назад
Skill Issue LegendofTotalWar 64,125 3 месяца назад
Thank You LegendofTotalWar 117,822 55 лет назад
When you're on the wrong side of Balthasar Gelt LegendofTotalWar 50,609 9 дней назад
You got Sigvalded LegendofTotalWar 81,584 1 месяц назад
Is Powercreep Ruining Total War: Warhammer 3? LegendofTotalWar 114,952 55 лет назад
Total War is riddled with Player Traps LegendofTotalWar 317,947 2 месяца назад
Collapse of a Campaign LegendofTotalWar 111,000 1 месяц назад
Patch 5.2 Belegar Ironhammer Legendary Livestream LegendofTotalWar 181,483 4 месяца назад
Allies, Please Don't Be Stupid LegendofTotalWar 51,452 8 дней назад
The face of someone about to get humiliated LegendofTotalWar 44,720 5 дней назад