
Episode 12: My hand ripped! jrthegymnasticscoach 23 10 месяцев назад
Cartwheel on the beam‼️ jrthegymnasticscoach 16 3 месяца назад
Improve your Bar Muscle Up‼️ jrthegymnasticscoach 60 1 месяц назад
How do I teach a back handspring? jrthegymnasticscoach 5,153 1 год назад
Prescription for LIFE X JR the Gymnastics Coach Zoya Yaseka 46 5 лет назад
Episode 13: What keeps you coming back to your training? jrthegymnasticscoach 9 10 месяцев назад
Episode 5: Gymnastics is the PERFECT sport for you son. jrthegymnasticscoach 11 1 год назад
Level 9 Nathan Yearous training Parallel Bars jrthegymnasticscoach 98 7 лет назад
Build a stronger jrthegymnasticscoach 740 6 месяцев назад
KOSPET T3 ULTRA 2 REVIEW jrthegymnasticscoach 57 1 месяц назад
Get to know me! jrthegymnasticscoach 27 6 месяцев назад
Bar Muscle Ups jrthegymnasticscoach 551 3 месяца назад
@1UpNutritionSupplements taking me to new heights. #workout #motivation jrthegymnasticscoach 39 2 месяца назад
Episode 17: Understanding Adaptive Athletes jrthegymnasticscoach 86 9 месяцев назад