John Gress

CLOSE TO HOME. Skiing my favorite zone at Eikedalen. Benjamin Forthun 2,705 1 день назад
What is Nikon's Fine-Tune Optimal Exposure? John Peltier 107 12 часов назад
EFFECTIVE & CHEAP️ Video Lighting Setup | Umbrellas And How They Perform (VS softbox) Pumper Jones Productions 14,004 7 месяцев назад
Besos - John Gres.wmv Edgar H. 53,893 12 лет назад
High-Speed Sync 101: Everything You Need to Know! John Gress 6,562 2 месяца назад
5 Simple One Light Setups with Mind-Blowing Results! John Gress 8,492 7 месяцев назад
Feathering Light: The Secret to Perfect Portraits Revealed! John Gress 28,480 7 месяцев назад
Portrait Lighting Terms Beginners Need to Know in the Studio! John Gress 108,022 10 месяцев назад
Learn the Inverse Square Law in 5 Minutes! John Gress 7,896 7 месяцев назад
John Gress - Platform instructor Speaker Spotlight July Professional Photographers of North Carolina, Inc. 11 9 месяцев назад