John Coogan

People Still Don't Understand Visa John Coogan 745,956 3 месяца назад
History of Donald Trump John Coogan 3,403,538 10 месяцев назад
History of Vladimir Putin John Coogan 2,498,992 1 год назад
The Business of Grand Theft Auto (Rockstar Games) John Coogan 792,169 9 месяцев назад
How ARM Saved Apple John Coogan 257,970 1 год назад
I believe nicotine is good | John Coogan for Heretics Freethink 210,353 2 года назад
John Coogan, EIR at Founders Fund, Founder of Soylent & Lucy Sourcery with Molly O'Shea 759 7 месяцев назад
Anduril - The Startup Reshaping Geopolitics John Coogan 689,946 1 год назад
Palantir: The App That Caught Bin Laden John Coogan 528,645 1 год назад
What is the ACTUAL use of crypto? John Coogan 168,243 2 года назад
Businesses fail because... John Coogan 152,781 3 года назад
The Entire History of Silicon Valley John Coogan 657,040 2 года назад
People Still Don't Understand Nike John Coogan 36,908 3 месяца назад
The Only Reason SpaceX Works (Gwynne Shotwell) John Coogan 123,684 3 года назад
History of Joe Biden John Coogan 313,603 1 год назад
The Truth About Silicon Valley Monopolies John Coogan 49,238 2 года назад
How I Launched My Startup John Coogan 15,959 4 года назад