Jimi Sol

How Plants Cool the Planet Jimi Sol 29,277 1 год назад
Carbon: The Ecosystems View Jimi Sol 24,651 5 лет назад
Interdependence Jimi Sol 122,082 8 лет назад
Regenerative Agriculture: A Solution to Climate Change Jimi Sol 35,401 5 лет назад
What is Regenerative Agriculture? Jimi Sol 518,418 5 лет назад
Climate Change: The Water Paradigm Jimi Sol 84,478 4 года назад
What's Up With Capitalism? A Marxist Perspective Jimi Sol 208,303 5 лет назад
The Biotic Pump: How Forests Create Rain Jimi Sol 145,958 5 лет назад
Understanding Our Soil: Jimi Sol Clover 23 1 год назад
Jimi Sol - Mind and Matter NSG22 320 9 лет назад
What is Permaculture? A Very Basic Introduction Jimi Sol 4,593 5 лет назад
Jimi Sol - Beautiful World | Chillaxation Chillaxation will save the nation 11 6 лет назад
The Julia Sets: How it Works, and Why it's Amazing! Jimi Sol 128,481 7 лет назад
Jimi Sol L´Patina la Frente - Topic 18