Jay The Sports Physio

Orthopaedic Testing: Anterior Drawer (ACL) Jay the Sports Physio 9 3 года назад
End Stage Achilles Tendinopathy Rehab Jay the Sports Physio 1,744 2 года назад
Plyometric Drills: Box Jumps Jay the Sports Physio 18 3 года назад
Palloff Press Split Switch: Hamstring Rehab Jay the Sports Physio 210 3 года назад
Return to Running Drills: Falling Starts Jay the Sports Physio 65 3 года назад
Orthopaedic Testing: Lachmann's Test (ACL testing) Jay the Sports Physio 322 3 года назад
Calf Pulses: Running Mechanics Drill Jay the Sports Physio 144 3 года назад
AKS Run: Return to Running Drills Jay the Sports Physio 114 3 года назад
Pertubation Military Press Jay the Sports Physio 67 3 года назад
Hamstring Rehab Exercises: Single Leg RDL Variations Jay the Sports Physio 78 3 года назад
Hurdle Hops: Plyometrics Jay the Sports Physio 43 3 года назад
Askling H Test Jay the Sports Physio 1,907 3 года назад
Plyometric Drills: Alternate Leg Hops Jay the Sports Physio 100 3 года назад
Jump Pertubations Jay the Sports Physio 25 3 года назад
POGO's Drills Jay the Sports Physio 127 3 года назад
Hamstring Rehab: Tantrums and Chinese Planks Jay the Sports Physio 89 3 года назад
JSK Sports Intro Jay the Sports Physio 149 3 года назад
Return to Sport Testing Jay the Sports Physio 11 2 года назад
Z Run: Change of Direction Drill Jay the Sports Physio 615 3 года назад
Athletic Testing :Y Balance Test Jay the Sports Physio 176 3 года назад