In Deep Geek

A Little Sacrifice - Witcher story breakdown In Deep Geek 8,175 10 часов назад
Are there any more Balrogs? In Deep Geek 134,110 2 дня назад
The great Weirwood Tree deception In Deep Geek 114,926 5 дней назад
Did Sauron know about Gandalf? In Deep Geek 269,265 7 дней назад
Did Frodo curse Gollum to fall into the Cracks of Doom? In Deep Geek 128,021 9 дней назад
What actually is the mysterious Black Stone? In Deep Geek 135,269 12 дней назад
The Witcher - An Introduction In Deep Geek 90,546 55 лет назад
Did Sauron know who had the three Elven Rings? In Deep Geek 116,046 55 лет назад
Is Sweetrobin Littlefinger's son? In Deep Geek 85,066 55 лет назад
Why was Aragorn in Bree? In Deep Geek 225,103 55 лет назад
The great Weirwood Tree deception In Deep Geek 114,926 5 дней назад
What's so special about the Arkenstone? In Deep Geek 402,491 1 месяц назад
Why was Aragorn in Bree? In Deep Geek 225,103 55 лет назад
Why didn't Aragorn go after Frodo? In Deep Geek 192,020 55 лет назад
Celebrimbor: Legends of Middle-earth In Deep Geek 92,670 1 месяц назад
What is west of Westeros? In Deep Geek 195,316 55 лет назад
The Horn of Winter and the Crypts of Winterfell In Deep Geek 152,369 1 месяц назад
The complicated history of Galadriel (and Celeborn) In Deep Geek 196,064 3 месяца назад
The Lord of the Rings from Gandalf's perspective In Deep Geek 742,106 4 месяца назад
Why was Gimli allowed to go to Valinor? In Deep Geek 245,036 2 месяца назад
How powerful is Sting? In Deep Geek 266,969 4 месяца назад
Do orcs have families? In Deep Geek 144,622 5 месяцев назад
What if Treebeard got The One Ring? In Deep Geek 206,146 5 месяцев назад
When did Saruman turn evil? In Deep Geek 525,721 5 месяцев назад
Dune: An Introduction In Deep Geek 98,194 3 месяца назад
What actually is mithril? In Deep Geek 301,327 5 месяцев назад
Why didn't Ned tell Cat about Jon? In Deep Geek 132,460 1 месяц назад
Where is Dark Sister? In Deep Geek 104,231 1 месяц назад
Aemon the Dragonknight In Deep Geek 114,531 4 месяца назад
Did Sauron survive The Lord of the Rings? In Deep Geek 235,583 1 месяц назад
Why did Sauron want mithril? In Deep Geek 251,272 1 месяц назад
The Seven Wonders of Middle-earth In Deep Geek 327,619 2 месяца назад
Where are all the Valyrian Steel swords? In Deep Geek 95,935 1 месяц назад
How powerful is Sting? In Deep Geek 266,969 4 месяца назад
What if Galadriel turned evil? In Deep Geek 100,488 1 месяц назад
The Conspirators of Bag End In Deep Geek 349,633 1 год назад