Imr India

IMR ||The infant mortality rate for India Statue of study 1 285 1 год назад
India's Infant Mortality Rate reduced to 32 Down To Earth 3,009 4 года назад
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in India Explained by Neeraj Sir Unacademy UPSC 5,333 5 лет назад
IMR India and Sri Lanka Islamic Medical Association of North America 24 5 лет назад
India's infant mortality rate falls in 2016 WION 1,455 7 лет назад
In Depth : Improved Infant Mortality Rate Sansad TV 14,877 6 лет назад
Significant decline in Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) Ministry of Information & Broadcasting 2,689 2 года назад
IMR Diabetes Clinics in Hyderabad, India Islamic Medical Association of North America 157 8 лет назад
Discussion on High infant mortality rate in India in today's #DNS #upscshortsvideo Rau's IAS Study Circle (Since 1953) 2,944 2 года назад
IMR's Visit to DRDO Pavilion at DEFEXPO India 2020 Show Maj Gen RK Arora 3,396 5 лет назад
IMR - India Market Review - 13 Feb 2023 Bangalore Investors Club 92 2 года назад