
Robert O'Reilly explaining Gowron's eyes Morten Strandbo 496,864 7 лет назад
Lt. Worf Speaks With Gowron April 5, 2063 706,524 3 года назад
Star Trek: Klingon - Gowron vs. Pakled Trader Eric Hanson 609,163 7 лет назад
Chancellor Gowron reinstate the Khitomer Accords April 5, 2063 767,978 7 лет назад
Star Trek TNG | Gowron "What color were his EYES" meleniumshane90 185,236 5 лет назад
Gowron vs Kahless (TNG: Rightful Heir) War Criminal Phlox 5,928 1 год назад
Molecular-Decay Detonator (Romulan Device) April 5, 2063 566,291 6 лет назад
General Martok become Chancellor Martok April 5, 2063 1,028,207 7 лет назад
DS9 Quark stumps Gowron with finance (The House of Quark) trekclip123 617,031 12 лет назад
I'm here to face D'Gor, Son of Whatever. Mike Johnson 644,400 5 лет назад
Chancellor Gowron Come Aboard Deep Space Nine April 5, 2063 32,260 7 лет назад
"Perhaps, but not today." - Gowron Wormwood Roadshow 1,020 1 год назад
Gowron True Klingon...true bad@ss! enson2k 93,524 15 лет назад
Star Trek DS9 Worf Kills Gowron BizarrePower 374,477 9 лет назад
Martok is the Changeling!!! Mike Johnson 155,044 5 лет назад
Riker gains the respect of the Klingons | Star Trek TNG Riker's Beard 228,576 3 года назад
"I Am Worf Commanding the Enterprise." Worf April 5, 2063 2,163,918 5 лет назад
This is how diplomacy is done. GamePlayLabs 525,187 11 лет назад
Real McCoy - Another Night (Videoclip) Real McCoy 166,189,839 14 лет назад
Gowron Spits In Your Face tjwparso 38,800 2 года назад