Gay Marriage

And now the Republicans are coming after gay marriage. Tom Powell Jr 130,370 5 дней назад
Ben Shapiro Clarifies Gay Marriage Stance | Joe Rogan JRE Clips 5,831,988 5 лет назад
Michigan lawmaker wants to overturn same-sex marriage NBC News 17,713 8 дней назад
Can you be friends with 'the other side'? Jessica Kellgren-Fozard 21,736 2 дня назад
️‍ Logan & Cliffe discuss Gay Marriage IMPAULSIVE 1,061,182 9 месяцев назад
The Arranged Gay Marriage Scam VICE 2,232,628 4 года назад
President Obama on Gay Marriage CNN 231,984 12 лет назад
Your Arguments Are Invalid: Gay Marriage vlogbrothers 2,196,256 12 лет назад
Gay Marriage and My Religious Family | {THE AND} Andrew & Jerrold The Skin Deep 485,563 8 лет назад
Kids React to Gay Marriage REACT 47,799,010 11 лет назад
Idaho is Trying to BAN Gay Marriage Powered By Rainbows™ 66,151 1 месяц назад
Pastor attacks Obama over gay marriage CNN 108,386 12 лет назад
Bishop Barron on Gay Marriage & the Breakdown of Moral Argument Bishop Robert Barron 946,999 11 лет назад
Gay Marriage Legalised | Key & Peele Comedy Central UK 2,237,647 9 лет назад
Obama on Gay Marriage: "I Struggle With This" CBS News 226,331 14 лет назад
Joe Biden's Shocking Gay Marriage Revelation | CONAN on TBS Team Coco 153,444 12 лет назад