Gavin Ortlund

Evangelicalism Has Fractured. Now What? Gavin Ortlund 14,575 9 часов назад
Did the FIRST Christians Worship Jesus? Gavin Ortlund 26,061 4 дня назад
No, Jerome Didn't Accept a Larger Canon Gavin Ortlund 24,826 9 дней назад
Did Protestants Remove Books From the Bible?!? Gavin Ortlund 48,701 13 дней назад
Do Marian Apparitions Prove Christianity? Protestant Response Gavin Ortlund 47,290 55 лет назад
Is Christianity Just Wish Fulfillment? Gavin Ortlund 9,234 55 лет назад
Penance: A Protestant Critique Gavin Ortlund 26,100 55 лет назад
Does Lutheran Christology Make Sense? Gavin Ortlund 19,182 1 месяц назад
Penance: A Protestant Critique Gavin Ortlund 26,100 55 лет назад
Wes Huff is Untouched By Alex O'Connor's Critiques Gavin Ortlund 308,791 1 месяц назад
A Fallible List of Infallible Books? Gavin Ortlund 47,931 6 месяцев назад
A "Worship Problem" For Protestants? Gavin Ortlund 66,495 1 месяц назад
Before You Become Eastern Orthodox... Gavin Ortlund 72,838 4 месяца назад
Evangelical Worship Needs Church History Gavin Ortlund 68,501 5 месяцев назад
Does Lutheran Christology Make Sense? Gavin Ortlund 19,182 1 месяц назад
Can Protestants See Catholics as Fellow Christians? Gavin Ortlund 46,797 2 месяца назад
Praying to the Saints: A Protestant Critique Gavin Ortlund 70,406 3 года назад
Gavin Ortlund Wants You to Become (or Remain) Protestant The Gospel Coalition 6,519 5 месяцев назад
The Immaculate Conception: A Protestant Evaluation Gavin Ortlund 49,948 1 год назад
The Convenient Morality of the Protestant Reformers Shameless Popery 41,580 1 месяц назад
Megan Basham's Shepherds For Sale: Problems With This Book Gavin Ortlund 82,436 7 месяцев назад
Was Noah's Flood Local? Gavin Ortlund 68,769 1 год назад
Why I'm a Baptist Gavin Ortlund 58,215 1 год назад
Why I Don't Accept The Papacy Gavin Ortlund 100,943 4 года назад
Why You Need Religion (with Ross Douthat) Gavin Ortlund 9,658 1 месяц назад
Gavin Ortlund Vs.Trent Horn: Is Sola Scriptura True Matt Fradd 568,394 2 года назад