Florent Farges Arts

Don't Buy Oil Painting Supplies Before Watching This Video! (Regrets) Florent Farges - arts 55,699 1 год назад
If this easel works, it can be game-changing for your paintings Florent Farges - arts 11,436 1 месяц назад
How I go from Painting TIGHT to LOOSE on demand Florent Farges - arts 3,976 4 дня назад
The Hidden Danger of Solvent Nobody is Talking About Florent Farges - arts 9,656 55 лет назад
Improve your Paintings with this Amazing Technique for Better Edge Control Florent Farges - arts 5,169 1 месяц назад
My Secret Trick to Draw Accurate Proportions Florent Farges - arts 88,539 2 месяца назад
BRUSHES - Oil Painting Material Florent Farges - arts 24,637 6 лет назад
You Won’t Believe How Quickly This Method Will Improve Your Drawing Florent Farges - arts 114,856 10 месяцев назад
Learning This Could Instantly Improve the Colors in Your Paintings Florent Farges - arts 295,204 1 год назад
How to use Mediums in Oil Painting and the "Fat over lean" Rule Florent Farges - arts 360,227 9 лет назад
Color Theory - Are You Making this COLOR COMPOSITION MISTAKE ?? Florent Farges - arts 83,716 4 года назад
Glazing : Oil painting techniques - step by step demonstration Florent Farges - arts 568,750 9 лет назад
My Secret Trick to Draw Accurate Proportions Florent Farges - arts 88,539 2 месяца назад
DOS and DON'TS of Painting EYES - Oil Painting Tutorial for Beginners Florent Farges - arts 94,420 2 года назад
UNDERSTANDING COLOR - Composition and Harmony for Painters Florent Farges - arts 265,479 2 года назад
Oil Painting for Beginners - Basic Techniques + Step by Step Demonstration Florent Farges - arts 3,868,638 7 лет назад
The Biggest PROBLEM Beginners have with their PAINT HANDLING and BRUSHWORK Florent Farges - arts 314,607 2 года назад
Try This SIMPLE Technique, You Will Be Amazed At The Colors You Can Achieve Florent Farges - arts 31,688 7 месяцев назад
My Paintings Didn't Look Good Until I Discovered This Secret Florent Farges - arts 52,679 10 месяцев назад
Learning this One Simple Thing Instantly Improved my Paintings Florent Farges - arts 21,228 1 год назад
What Nobody Will Tell You About Color Theory Florent Farges - arts 48,209 3 месяца назад
5 Ways to Start an Oil Painting - Art Techniques for Beginners and Advanced Florent Farges - arts 394,450 5 лет назад