Filippa Nüssil

Filippa Nässil playing on jannes guitar ThundermotherTV 2,294 13 лет назад
Filippa Nassil - Hey ThundermotherTV 3,523 14 лет назад
Filippa Nässil playing guitar own song ThundermotherTV 3,214 14 лет назад
Filippa Nassil - Light ThundermotherTV 3,266 13 лет назад
Rig Rundown with Thundermother guitarist Filippa Nassil ThundermotherTV 12,870 7 лет назад
Filippa Nässil - Far Astray ThundermotherTV 2,409 3 года назад
A guitar lesson with Filippa Nässil: One For The Road Thundermother Nation 6,688 7 лет назад
Studio Rig Rundown with Filippa ThundermotherTV 1,713 5 лет назад
Antiloop - In My Mind [Official Music Video ) AntiloopVEVO 8,701,918 9 лет назад
Lars Danielsson and Leszek Mozdzer - Suffering (Danielsson) Evening Music 1,578,828 15 лет назад
Swedish Girl guitar player Filippa Nassil ThundermotherTV 6,229 14 лет назад
Little wing of jimi hendrix with Filippa Nässil on guitar ThundermotherTV 1,009 14 лет назад
Filippa Nässil solo Björn Davidson 601 10 лет назад
Texas Bar Filippa Nässil - Topic 91