Federico Kajganić

Slow Jazzy Blues with Two Rock TS1 and Decibelics Golden Horse Federico Kajganić 1,011 5 дней назад
Musicians, stop watching talentless youtubers! Federico Kajganić 223 6 дней назад
Smooth Dumble Style Jam with Fuchs Valve Job II and Two Rock TS1 Federico Kajganić 676 9 дней назад
BB and Clapton style blues jam with Two Rock TS1 Dumblesque Tele tone Federico Kajganić 877 12 дней назад
Fender Custom Shop Willcutt "True 62" Stratocaster - Info and Demo Federico Kajganić 1,561 55 лет назад
MixWave: Milkman Creamer Plugin (Jam by Federico S. Kajganić) Federico Kajganić 448 1 год назад
Mellow jam with Gibson ES-335 and Two-Rock TS1 amp Federico Kajganić 595 1 год назад
You should try this with your ES 335!!! Tune down to C# Slow Blues Jam Federico Kajganić 921 7 месяцев назад
Mixwave Milkman Creamer with Tagima Strat Patchbay Cowboy 134 1 год назад
Pogo Pedals Harmony Series R.J. Ronquillo 2,378 3 года назад
Slow Jazzy Blues with Two Rock TS1 and Decibelics Golden Horse Federico Kajganić 1,011 5 дней назад
Two Rock TS1 and Gibson ES-335, don’t need no Dumble! Federico Kajganić 5,480 1 месяц назад
Two-Rock Classic Reverb Signature - Clean with Les Paul Federico Kajganić 1,347 5 лет назад
Slow Blues with Two-Rock TS1 (Lead and Mid Boost) and Telecaster Federico Kajganić 984 4 месяца назад
Jam with MixWave Two-Rock Bloomfield Drive Amp Plugin and Humbuckers! Federico Kajganić 580 3 месяца назад
Dumble Tone! Two-Rock TS-1 Lead channel Federico Kajganić 236 1 год назад
#fenderstratocaster #fendersuperreverb #superreverb #brandonwound Federico Kajganić 560 2 года назад
John Mayer Vultures guitar tone with Two Rock Traditional Clean Federico Kajganić 1,381 11 месяцев назад