Epic Archaeology

05 Epic Archaeology (Guest: Ted Wright) Associates for Biblical Research 247 9 месяцев назад
Epic Archaeology with Ted Wright (Part One): Digging for Truth Episode 83 Associates for Biblical Research 5,728 4 года назад
Latest Archaeological Discoveries (December 2024) World of Antiquity 6,669 23 часа назад
Epic Archaeology with Ted Wright (Part Two): Digging for Truth Episode 84 Associates for Biblical Research 4,834 4 года назад
12 Most Incredible Ancient Artifacts Finds Inforado 10,656 2 дня назад
Josh Gates Unveils Moses's Tomb: The Discovery of a Lifetime! Mystery Chamber 1,583 3 дня назад
Discovering Pompeii - Epic Archaeology for Kids Epic Archaeology 14,527 3 года назад
The Epic of Gilgamesh, Lecture by Andrew George Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East 2,523,428 7 лет назад
Top 20 Greatest Archeological Discoveries Ever WatchMojo.com 2,322,244 2 года назад
Gilgamesh and the Flood The Histocrat 3,092,407 3 года назад
Why I'm a Christian: Testimony of Ted Wright, Epic Archaeology An Unexpected Journal 142 2 года назад
Tomb of the Giant Gilgamesh Discovered - Ancient Technology Inside Universe Inside You 1,743,517 1 год назад
Epic Archaeology: Exploring the World of Biblical History Epic Archaeology 235 5 лет назад
AI: Revolutionizing Archaeology with the Epic of Gilgamesh AI Cortex 79 4 месяца назад
Talking with Dan Gibson 23: Epic Archaeology Interview Dan Gibson 7,907 3 года назад
Ted Wright - Epic Archaeology Two Trees Podcast 7 3 месяца назад
#30 Ted Wright with Epic Archaeology DyerConversations 126 3 года назад