Epfl School Of Computer And Communication Sciences

EDIC Open House - Doctoral Program in Computer and Communication Sciences EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 922 4 года назад
Discover EPFL's IC School EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 86 1 месяц назад
EPFL LakeCTF Competition EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 607 1 год назад
Does computer science still have a ‘woman problem'? EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 125 3 года назад
Video IC 20th Celebration EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 325 1 год назад
EPFL Deepfake Maze at the Applied Machine Learning Days (AMLD) EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 16 1 месяц назад
Generalizable and Interpretable Models of Human Learning, by Prof. Tanja Käser EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 155 8 месяцев назад
Designing computer systems to protect society, talk by Prof. Carmela Troncoso EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 337 2 года назад
Sustainability in information technology, who cares?, talk by Prof. Jean-Yves Le Boudec EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 144 2 года назад
Deepfake Maze at the EPFL Open Days EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 4 1 месяц назад
EDIC Open House 2021 - Welcome Video from EPIC EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 555 3 года назад
Discover EPFL EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 1,489 4 года назад
Vision and Language in Brains and Machines, by Prof. Martin Schrimpf EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 374 1 год назад
IC Connects Podcast - Flexibility is key! EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 280 4 года назад
Les ateliers Alkindi Suisse EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 173 3 года назад
IC Connects Podcast - The guy who did the summaries EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 144 4 года назад
A Brief Journey through Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, by Prof. Martin Jaggi EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences 289 1 год назад