Drill Jumbo

Sandvik DL432i longhole drill walkaround video Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions 20,438 2 года назад
KAMACH Hydraulic Face Drilling Jumbo CYTJ45-2 MINING KAMACH 253 1 год назад
Sandvik DD422iE | Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions 106,683 8 лет назад
1994 Sandvik Minimatic HS205D Drill Jumbo Nelson Machinery & Equipment Ltd. 104 2 года назад
Jumbo Drill CYTJ 45D Kamach Sold in Mexico MG Mining And Construction SAS 62 8 месяцев назад
MCDOWELL EQUIPMENT - Sandvik Secoma Mercury 1F/1B Jumbo Drill McDowell Equipment 1,195 8 лет назад
Siton Drill Jumbo Boosting Efficiency in Gold Mining! Siton China 505 23 часа назад
Sandvik RDX5 Rock Drill | Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions 6,714 5 лет назад
RESEMIN - micro jumbo MUKI - Caudalosa Chica mine Resemin Resemin 146,644 10 лет назад
Blasting Ceneri Base Tunnel Alptransit Gotthard 671,722 7 лет назад
Testing and using a chinese breaker hammer Torkelsen 2,847 2 дня назад
#22 Jumbo operator Jaime Andres DD321 Underground Mining Equipment 13,002 4 года назад
equipo simba minacandelaria 225,646 14 лет назад
jumbo la H282 Bomer, la machine du parallélisme Pierre Senga 10,070 2 года назад
Sandvik DX800 drifter (rock drill) resealing and assembling jhonkie work TV 4,439 4 года назад
McDowell Equipment - Atlas Copco Jumbo Drill - CM785D McDowell Equipment 241 8 лет назад
2015 Sandvik DD422i 60C Drill Asset # JDB0156 GESequipmentforsale 130 2 года назад
TEI Rock Drills DrillAll 50 Mini Jumbo Promotora Berma 1,938 7 лет назад
MTI CJ240 Jumbo Drill | B. McDowell Equipment McDowell Equipment 160 11 лет назад
3 day cycle. Drill cut out from start to finish Jory Dion 25,859 4 года назад
[ Winwin Used Machinery ] Used Jumbo drill atlas copco one boom L1C-DH 2002yr For sale Winwin Used Machinery (Simson Lee) 130 2 года назад
CYBERMINE Drill Rig Simulator for Epiroc 282 Operators ThoroughTec Simulation 68,017 3 года назад
McDowell Equipment - Atlas Copco Boomer 282 Underground Jumbo Drill McDowell Equipment 9,208 8 лет назад
Jumbo Drilling and Ground Support Operations Jessica Sturlese - RA 15,149 3 года назад