Doctor Lindsay Butzer Dvm

Why do Cysts happen?—How to Fix them! | Vet Easily Explains Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 330 1 день назад
How to Fix your Cat Pooping Outside the Litter Box?? | Vet Explains Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 281 8 дней назад
The 5 Ways Pets Heal Humans! | Veterinarian Explains Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 383 55 лет назад
How to Properly De-shed your Dog's Coat?! | Vet Simply Explains! Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 613 1 месяц назад
Why Do Dog Love To Play Fetch!? | VET EASILY EXPLAINS! Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 431 1 месяц назад
Stop Paw Licking for Good with at home remedies! Vet Dr. Lindsay Butzer explains! Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 937 9 месяцев назад
Aggressive dog breeds at the VET! | Dr. Lindsay Butzer's List! Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 3,593 10 месяцев назад
Owning a Siberian Husky!?! | MUST WATCH! Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 1,060 11 месяцев назад
GIARDIA TREATMENT FOR PUPPIES + DOGS? | Can you get it? | Dr. Lindsay Butzer Vet Explains ! Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 1,282 9 месяцев назад
What to Feed a Growing Puppy with Veterinarian Dr. Lindsay Butzer Stella & Chewy's 1,938 6 лет назад
Owning a Pug!?! What you need to know! Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 19,525 1 год назад
Cat's Ear Cleaning Vlog Meow Family | Seven Cats in 1 Video Meow Family 27,525 2 года назад
How Stray Dogs Survive In The Wild | Dogs: The Untold Story Love Animals 1,656 8 месяцев назад
Allergies In boxer dogs Roque Salinas 2,589 4 года назад
Out of Control BOXER meets Dog Trainer! American Standard Dog Training 67,620 3 года назад
Only Pug can make us HAPPY and LAUGH Ginger Cat 1,163,547 1 год назад
All you need to know about Dachshunds Royvon Dog Training and Hotels 427,651 8 лет назад
Cherry the miniature Longhaired Dachshund performs tricks Cherry the Dachshund 103,758 11 лет назад
Why You Should Have A Dachshund AlphaPaw 768,425 7 лет назад
One of the best breeds of all time Girl With The Dogs 1,011,778 3 года назад
Are Chihuahuas the Smartest Dog Breed??? | PARODY Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 2,181 5 лет назад
Owning a Dachshund? | The Weiner Dog Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 17,639 5 лет назад
What Makes a Dog Food Better with Veterinarian Dr. Lindsay Butzer Stella & Chewy's 1,779 6 лет назад
Should Dogs sleep in the Crate vs Your Bed at night? | Dr. Lindsay Vet explains Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 3,873 7 месяцев назад
The Behavior Changes in Neutered Dogs?! | Vet simply Explains Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 2,587 2 месяца назад
How to Properly De-shed your Dog's Coat?! | Vet Simply Explains! Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 613 1 месяц назад
Top 5 Small Dog Breeds to Own!? Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 2,210 1 год назад
How to Raise a Cuddly Cat!? | Dr. Lindsay Butzer's methods! Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 7,375 1 год назад
Visiting Palm Beach Animal Care and Control in FL | Vlog No. 2 Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 781 4 месяца назад
PetCon2018 | Dr. Lindsay Butzer Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 521 6 лет назад
Top 5 Boxer dog Health Issues! | MUST WATCH Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 20,785 2 года назад
Why Cats Should NOT Drink Cows Milk? | Myth Busted! Vet Simply Explains Doctor Lindsay Butzer DVM 833 2 месяца назад