Doctor Cooking

The 6 Things I Eat Every Day | The Cooking Doc® The Cooking Doc 39,613 2 года назад
5 Quick Dietary Changes to Protect Your Kidneys | The Cooking Doc® The Cooking Doc 175,836 3 года назад
Cook With A Doctor! | Sous Vide Scallop Fail Doctor Mike 1,165,417 5 лет назад
5 Health Tips to Put Your Doctor Out of Business The Cooking Doc 8,897 6 месяцев назад
Doctor vs Supermarket: Guess The Chef Doctor Mike 1,281,562 4 года назад
What are the Top 5 Drinks for Your Kidneys | The Cooking Doc The Cooking Doc 2,266,657 4 года назад
Healthy Cooking with Dr. Shusterman (The Cooking Doctor) The Cooking Doc 18,272 8 лет назад
Cooking With House & Wilson | House M.D.. House M.D. 365,317 7 лет назад
Arsenic in Rice - Doctor says 'UNCLE ROGER' is Cooking Rice Wrong The Habits Doctor 7,821 3 года назад
2 Easy 5 Minute Recipes with Dr Rangan Chatterjee The Doctor's Kitchen 41,643 5 лет назад