Dairy Feeding

Feeding over 6k cows! Vanderham Farms 62,815 3 года назад
Blokland feeding dairy VolmerFilm 1,374,709 1 год назад
Milking & Feeding Dairy cows 802 Farmers 4,902 3 месяца назад
Feeding Dairy Cows Rohrer Dairy Production 16,988 1 год назад
Remembering How To Feed Dairy Cows- A Morning In The Life Of A Dairy Farmer Farming with Duffy AG 30,569 3 года назад
Feeding cattle JD & Trioliet VolmerFilm 281,400 3 года назад
Feeding the Dairy Cow - a video for small scale farmers Small Scale Dairy School 165,855 1 год назад
Lely Vector Mixing Feed for Dairy Cows 10th Generation Dairyman 158,894 2 месяца назад
Milking and Feeding Cows On A Small Dairy Farm! Gierok Farms 131,288 2 месяца назад
Sunday Morning Feeding in 8 seconds. #farm #beef #cattle Farming the Countryside 3,140,767 2 года назад
Mixing Feed for Dairy Cows 10th Generation Dairyman 707,814 6 лет назад
Feeding Dairy Cows a Total Mixed Ration Mike Less - Farmhand Mike 34,979 2 года назад
Faresin PF2.18 Plus Demo | Feeding the Dairy Cows AR Imagery - Farming & Agricultural Videographer 36,756 2 месяца назад
Increasing Milk Production in Dairy Cows CKL Africa Ltd 86,514 2 года назад
Mixing Feed for the Dairy Cows Malecha Enterprises 11,229 4 года назад