Budgie Nation Music

Music for Budgies to Dance! Happy Budgie birds Budgie Nation 355,410 4 года назад
8 Hour Happy Sounds for Sad and Lonely Birds | Sound Therapy | Budgie Nation 604,225 10 месяцев назад
Budgie Sounds for Lonely birds to make them happy Budgie Nation 7,800,233 4 года назад
Calming Music for Budgies Budgie Nation 48,725 4 года назад
1 HOUR | BUDGIES SINGING OUTDOORS | Budgie Nation 87,762 1 год назад
Budgie sounds for lonely Budgies at home Budgie Nation 527,373 4 года назад
2 Hours of Budgie Best Friends - Mango and Chutney - Singing and Talking Sounds Budgie and Aviary Birds “birdman” 8,077,770 5 лет назад
8 hour Budgie Sounds for Lonely birds to make them happy Budgie Nation 131,372 3 года назад
Over 9 hours of Budgies Playing Singing and Talking Budgie and Aviary Birds “birdman” 2,384,410 5 лет назад
Calming Budgie Sounds - Music Melody of Relaxing Budgies Budgie Nation 44,888 3 года назад
3 Hour Budgie Melodies to Cheer Up Lonely Birds Budgie Nation 52,833 3 месяца назад
3 Hour Budgie Sounds or Parakeet sounds Budgie Nation 798,477 4 года назад
Experience the MOST RELAXING 3 Hours of Budgies Bird Sound EVER! Budgie Nation 51,967 4 месяца назад
Morning Budgie Sounds for 1 Hour Listening Budgie Nation 47,737 3 года назад
Music for Budgies to Dance Budgie Sounds Compilation Budgie Nation 84,074 4 года назад
Budgie Sounds for Lonely birds on windy and rainy day Budgie Nation 39,562 11 месяцев назад