Bart Coppens

Aglia tau / Tau emperor moth male (short clip) Bart Coppens 1,207 1 месяц назад
Life Cycle of the LOBSTER Moth - in ONE MINUTE !! Bart Coppens 1,201 2 месяца назад
HOW to BREED the LOBSTER MOTH in just 5 STEPS! Bart Coppens 8,079 2 месяца назад
Deaths-Head Hawkmoth: FEEDING TIME! (Acherontia atropos) Bart Coppens 3,461 2 месяца назад
HOW TO BREED The "Eastern Emperor Moth" (Rinaca boisduvalii) Bart Coppens 787 2 месяца назад
I raised some Io Moths (Automeris io) - how cute! Bart Coppens 966 2 месяца назад
Biodiversity News Intro - Bart Coppens (Archive) More Bart Coppens 177 3 года назад
MINT has a HIDDEN ABILITY... (Mentha aquatica) Bart Coppens 983 5 месяцев назад
gorgeous species unboxing !!! THANK YOU Bart Coppens The Mothologist 606 5 лет назад
Moths in captivity: SBS6 Beestengeluk (TV) - Bart Coppens Bart Coppens 5,474 6 лет назад
Giant MOTH Showcase: My Pets Bart Coppens 23,780 7 лет назад
Moths: A Cage Full of MOTHS (My Crazy Hobby) Bart Coppens 25,878 7 лет назад
Butterfly & Moth Video: HOW to BEFRIEND them ??? Bart Coppens 11,996 1 год назад
Help! A MOTH Swarm! GIANT Atlas Moths! [Attacus lorquinii] Bart Coppens 370,468 4 года назад
Bart Coppens in the train More Bart Coppens 5,952 1 год назад
Butterfly and Moth Compilation! (Pretty Butterflies) Bart Coppens 159,800 3 года назад
Moths: Giant Pet Moths! - My weird hobby (Bart Coppens) Bart Coppens 107,871 9 лет назад
Insect Species YOU didn't KNOW about! [Brazil; REGUA] Bart Coppens 10,569 2 года назад
Moth-Trapping & Butterfly Spotting: FUN TIMES in Uganda (Mt. Elgon)! Bart Coppens 3,600 10 месяцев назад