Live and Let Die Rescore - The Heroin Farm & Boat Chase

Live and Let Die Rescore - The Heroin Farm & Boat Chase


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@reenasingh3 - 31.01.2022 15:43

Where in jaipur did you get this treatment?

@yogitasharma5552 - 08.02.2022 16:39

I'm from Jaipur dude!!😂😃

@divyani_musicovery - 15.02.2022 08:49

what is the address?

@bibinc1052 - 15.02.2022 20:25

I am a Ayurveda therapist any job vecancy anywhere 🙎‍♂️

@arryanavaldez9757 - 15.02.2022 20:31

Loved this video! Kudos to you guys! I'm currently going through an Ayurveda program to bring to the states and this makes me so hopeful for the future and what's to come! Thanks for sharing!

@shubhamayurveda6448 - 19.02.2022 06:01

Panchakrma Treatment Is The Best Treatment ✨

@rockykimpel - 23.02.2022 08:52

Aaron Rodgers about to bring you a ton of views

@rafaellarios7243 - 23.02.2022 19:45

I’m only here cause of Aaron Rodgers

@Gopackgo1000 - 24.02.2022 08:27

I'm here because Aaron rodgers

@AlySunderji - 04.03.2022 11:34

im loving this!

@Miadbeh - 05.03.2022 00:03

very helpful, thank you for sharing

@frankster3223 - 11.03.2022 16:32

Delhi is not the centre for these kind of treatments. You should have tried Kerala or Dharmasthala to have an experience which is 10x better

@bushrahasan5953 - 03.04.2022 19:21

What is the cost of panchkarma treatment in Delhi ncr?

@jovana91 - 06.04.2022 16:15

Which center did you go to?

@evolutionofj5443 - 13.04.2022 00:16

wow!! In love with the way you broke down the chapters, the info, and the summary. Fantastic! My professor actually just shared this video with the class @ A2Z Massage Therapy school! Congrats on your viral content!

@a.k0909 - 15.04.2022 00:35

😂😂😂didn't show basti treatment 😂😂😂.

@mahadesharya6975 - 24.04.2022 10:11

Namaste to both of you. thanks for sharing your honest feedback on Panchakarma. Its unfortunate that we being here , don't know what's this treatment is all about. But now will trust & try it. 🙏

@PM-bz9ep - 25.04.2022 00:09

What’s the name of your panchkarma centre

@harmanpreetsidhu - 18.05.2022 06:13

Which treatment center did you go to in Jai Pur?

@nicolajane6264 - 26.05.2022 12:57

Awww the dog 🐕 with one leg at the beginning was so heart breaking 💔 sorry to randomly say that...I am so interested in these treatments. I am very sick and have chronic lyme disease. So I'm looking for treatments to get rid of the toxins in my body. I can't work due to being very sick daily, so money I'd tight. Having this illness and no money is not a good combination. If I could at least mimic some treatments that are in this video, that would be great. I am just worried about herxiNg. Thank you to both of you for sharing your journey it looked so awesome. 😊

@rainbowtrout75 - 29.05.2022 12:39

what was the clinic name how did you find out about it and how much was the treatment costs ?

@0927275 - 14.07.2022 15:04

What is the location of this Centre in India ?

@김다은-r6z3h - 04.08.2022 08:15

Hello, I'm the production team of <tvN's 7 billion choice> program in Korea.
I want to introduce this video to our show.
Can I mark the source and use this video?
If you have any questions, please leave a comment or email me.

@1sr0 - 26.08.2022 02:06

I live in the US and my parents live in India. Recently, Over the phone I tried to say something about ayurveda, immediately my mom interrupted me with disgust and told me not to talk about it as it is awful and kills people. That is the power of brainwash and how sad the situation is in India. She said somebody she know did not have any serious disease but died because of Ayurvedic treatment. I asked her about my cousin who died of stomach cancer and she got conventional treatment that did not save her and my mom responds n says ‘that is different, it was cancer!’ So if somebody dies while getting Ayurvedic treatment, then Ayurveda is to blame. If somebody dies while getting conventional treatment, it is the person’s fault. Sad state in India.

@rajindersharma7452 - 13.09.2022 22:49

Thanks a lot ur video has prepared me for my 'Treatments ' next week at
Aruveda Wing, Holy Family Hospital
New Delhi.

@ushmaprem8624 - 24.09.2022 05:11

GUYS thank you for sharing this ! Super inspiring. Right now Im in India ! have been diagnose with a rear disease . Can you share the info where you did you treatments in JAIPUR? light and love your way .

@PickettMusic - 02.11.2022 19:59

I did a partial treatment years ago. Felt great for over a month. I think it needs to be more accessible and more of a go-to...

@Dhananjay1008 - 13.12.2022 20:36

Oh that annoying background music , it's toooo loud

@rishi505 - 15.03.2023 19:15


@Mister_Chingon - 24.03.2023 16:28

What is the name of the treatment center.

@amazonjunglespirit - 05.04.2023 21:27

Great video, thank you so much for sharing. Unless I missed it, could you please share the name of the facility? thanks.

@bharatusa24 - 21.04.2023 00:13

origin is 8000BCE not 500BCE please correct that, in Rigveda which is 8000BCE it is mentioned.

@philiproschactor - 25.04.2023 05:30

Fabulous video and well presented. Very informative. I heard about the wonderful benefits of panchakarma years ago from my connections with India and I'm looking forward to having a treatment soon. Very inspiring and you'll help a lot of people to become healthier🙏

@ChristinaKantzavelos - 09.10.2023 01:20

Heading to India on Friday to complete a month-long Panchakarma and this made me feel much for comfortable about it. Thank you! - Christina @buenqamino

@Govinda_blue_108 - 15.10.2023 08:04

Are we supposed to believe that the black guy is Indian? HUH

@MrMcfire2 - 23.10.2023 12:41

Thanks so much for sharing - you guys serve such an important purpose

@freshcoastrider - 29.02.2024 10:59

It would be cool if you reposted this, and stripped out the background track that drowns out what you are saying. cheers!

@sanjuwaskale1431 - 04.04.2024 13:23

क्या पंचकर्म आयुर्वेद के लिये other subject वाले सर्टिफिकेट या डिप्लोमा कोर्स कर सकते है या नही

@pawancd - 24.06.2024 19:37

Ayurveda the most ancient medicine system can cure any disease from its roots. Its a complete human science.
Surgery and Vaccination are a gift of Ayurveda to medical world.

@9675A - 22.07.2024 15:18

Stop this Ayurveda scam.

@ashishparmar9536 - 24.08.2024 11:06

I itself saw 14 years old Parkinson disease of an patient cured in front of my eyes through ayurveda...even former kenya pm's daughter blindness cured through ayurveda...

@santiniketa7883 - 28.08.2024 06:07

Ayurveda may be dangerous fr health. Many ingredients are toxic.

@aartithaur4768 - 06.09.2024 09:59

I’m so impressed with the results of Ayurveda treatment from Planet Ayurveda. Their natural treatments have made a huge difference in my life!

@bharathkashyap4435 - 13.09.2024 18:41

I want to take this program. Will this be ok for an epileptic?

@Hend-Samir - 14.09.2024 21:49

The music is distracting and unnecessary

@jose98937 - 27.11.2024 06:19

well, would be best if there were multiple customers coming for reviews and testimonials. this video per se sounds scripted. I personally like wholistic systems and definitely there is a benefit in the practice too, esp ghee is very medicinal in all uses.
