How to Eye Splice a braided or woven multi-strand rope.

How to Eye Splice a braided or woven multi-strand rope.


13 лет назад

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@dirtragzzz - 12.09.2011 21:16

good stuff!

@DADTHELOGMAN - 11.02.2012 05:42

thank u so much now i can do my own winch lines.very easy who new lol thanks again

@WheeliePete - 11.02.2012 06:34

@DADTHELOGMAN I used the synthetic winch line on my last wheeling rig and I LOVED it. That stuff is awesome. You just have to be careful that you don't drag the line across rocks. A small price to pay for the peace of mind that if synthetic breaks it doesn't store energy so it won't come flying back at you and cut you in half. If synthetic breaks under tension it just drops to the ground. (No sharp wires either!)

@outdooroffroad - 20.02.2012 06:56

Nice vids Pete. Keith

@Gu_Gus - 09.03.2012 14:48

Very well explained thank you.

@WheeliePete - 15.06.2012 09:44

Manufactures of synthetic winchlines use a lock brummel to keep people form undoing the eye. The straight bury method really requires that you lock stitch to secure it. I prefer the lock brummel because I've put a lot of dyneema winch lines together and it's easier than stitching a buried line for me. I do run a bit longer tail on my synthetic winch lines and I taper the ends before I bury the tail, but I still run a locked brummel on the winchlines.

@peterhinton - 13.10.2012 10:15

That was fantastic. I would have never thought it could be so easy.

@wfoj21 - 15.11.2012 06:32

If you will do this with a larger size rope- this is not best optimum way to do it. Under optimum you will seperate the 8 strands then work each strand seperate and properly - some difference, but think of multiply the 3 strand splicing method. Been A While - I have done this for mooring line for oceaning going tugs and barge - with line being 8 inhc (circumference)

@metzelplex - 12.03.2013 08:51

great video thanks.

@Bakdrft - 15.05.2013 22:40

the tube is called a Fid

@lmjnagol - 06.09.2013 14:14

Awesome video!

@Bestboytoo - 03.11.2013 06:28

Very well done. Thank you.

@broncosgjn - 27.01.2014 06:08

outstanding sir

@wildlife447 - 12.04.2014 17:46

Very well done!  I had to relearn the loop fabrication, but I have it now!  Thanks!!

@robin4506 - 27.06.2014 22:07

Thank you!  We have 2 large dogs and I have difficulty finding the perfect leashes for them, this is the info I needed to make my own dog leashes :)  Headed out for supplies now.

@FIGO-tl2lk - 21.08.2014 00:47

Just about the easiest line splicing I have seen in years.  Great work & hey, thank you.

@corybroussard9150 - 28.08.2014 20:31

That's real slick, chief. Thanks!

@Katiecat64 - 15.12.2014 13:45

This is really interesting. I've recently been trying to learn to braid/weave doubled braided ropes. A few years ago a man braided me some seriously unique reins (for riding horses) it wasn't until one set got ran over by a lawn mower that I noticed how intricate the braiding was and I've been looking everywhere to figure out how to braid some myself. But there seems to be no videos on the actual braiding/weaving of ropes :( from looking at the inside (core) of my reins it looks like one strand is made up of 6 twine looking things. Amy advice would be greatly appreciated

@beefcake3131 - 19.06.2015 23:29

awesome video. Thanks!!!!!!!!

@fr3agnt - 03.09.2015 05:20

Cool vid, it will help me make a kayak tow line. Thanks.

@mginbolton - 09.12.2015 21:37

Really helpful thanks

@WhiteOwl1967 - 17.02.2016 01:54

I think that was the most efficient and well explained video on how to do this. Thanks for the info.

@drewkoslow7754 - 07.07.2016 22:03

Thanks for posting! This was exactly what I needed.

@winnietiller8642 - 14.07.2016 06:45

Very helpful making some dog leashes.. Thanks for a great video!

@susana7917 - 31.07.2016 02:33

Awesome. just what I was looking for. Thanks!

@rickp3259 - 26.10.2016 02:29

Awesome video!! I used it to make an eye loop for the snap hook for the training check cord for my dog. I taped my paracord fid to the end to use as my pointed end. Took less than 5 min !!

@willferguson707 - 14.01.2017 04:50

Perfect, nice and easy. I was also using it for making long dog leads for swimming with floating ski cord.

@thomasnardone5526 - 15.03.2017 20:59

nice video... can I do this if the one end of the rope is already attached to the winch?

@bdub7826 - 25.04.2017 23:49

That's a slick easy way. Thanks for the effort to teach people. Will definitely incorporate into the cowboy way.

@nutsack-1904 - 16.11.2017 05:00

Is this method stronger than a knot? I need rope for crabbing pots.

@ike7539 - 03.04.2018 12:13

I approve this message.

@whispergb - 22.05.2018 06:00

Nice job. I'd run the working end through the center, but never the standing end. I really like the additional security this extra step adds to the splice. Thanks!

@fernandoc6788 - 28.05.2018 13:48

Awesome. Thanks for the easy and no cheese (no music with it) to the point hands on. Two (2) thumb up

@ecksdog - 09.10.2018 20:23

Thanks. Great vid

@manaze - 14.07.2019 08:34

I love it. Thanks. Would it be EVEN MORE SECURE if I ran the two ends through the middle of each other a second time? Or would that just be overkill for nothing? Maybe it would even not allow it to really properly tighten down the way you did. Would love to get your take.


@katrenco - 20.02.2020 01:11

GREAT TIP! Thank you for sharing..........

@MyFortressConstruction - 11.04.2021 04:43

Fantastic. Thanks!

@WordStand - 15.07.2021 19:05

Amazing do it yourself video! Thank you for showing us how to do this. Gotta try it now

@WordStand - 19.07.2021 02:57

Thanks again for this gem of a video! I tried this using some poly crab line for 2 crab nets and it worked perfectly. Without this video, I would have never figured this out. Awesome tutorial

@jhammy444 - 22.08.2021 18:45

This was a fantastic tutorial.
Worked right on the money.
Thanks Pete!

@rogerbivins9144 - 09.09.2021 23:01

This is by far the greatest means of making a loop I have seen. I only now I wish I had the many hours back that I wasted learning and screwing up braiding loops Into my bow lines for my boat. Cheers

@jimcrowell9788 - 15.01.2023 03:56

Thank you for a simple version. I also am using it for a winch line along with a s.s. eyelet.

@tommwarneke396 - 16.02.2023 21:54

How to spice a 2 Strand rope?🤔 I would love to install such a loop.
