ОтветитьDoes the binding oath with described horrific consequences and death not suggest people are bumped off for disclosure of the secrets?I know they do a lot of charity work also!
ОтветитьI know a bunch of guys from my area that are masons. They are weird wannabe big shots that wanted to be a part of a "club".
ОтветитьRe. the bit about visiting other lodges. That’s simply not true. Members regularly and openly visit other lodges, both at home and abroad.
ОтветитьPeople with too much free time on their hands
ОтветитьDoe's Simon come across as very pro mason in this one or is it just me!
ОтветитьGrown men in any type of "secret society" is and will always be a Red Flag.Having known masons personally made the fact that at its core the members are made up of twisted corrupte wealthy perverse men.always has and will be.
ОтветитьAll them some gay mfs, Ive seen a real Freemason bible in 2005 before anybody knew what it was before all this online shit, first page I opened it up to was talking about gay sex slavery and showed a picture of a man in shackles around his neck wrists and ankles, my girlfriend dad been one since 2005 and committed suicide Jan 8th 2025 when you commit suicide you have to tell them, also when you do that you are not in good standing with the lodge, yall have chambers in lodges where yall perform rituals Dark Room, reflection ect yall mfs are evil, my girlfriend called me to come to her house this was in 2005! she was so scared I had no idea what it was then looked in it, its really some fkd up shyt. She asked her dad about it and he told her don't ever mention it or talk about it again.
ОтветитьI recently heard a flat earther accuse a man who left his boot under a table in Antartica a Freemason because leaving a boot under a table was a mason ritual. I was shocked at hearing it.
Ответитьso why did Scotland yard get shut down? free masons. also that countries whole court system overhauled. included a ridding of lawyers. leading to more crime not going " prosecuted". FM goes.after judicial power and business leaders. and have a shell of ultruism but they aim to influence society and business to keep people in need of aid. 😮
ОтветитьGo ahead and be Freemason and find out what hell is like. Your self-righteousness is like filthy rags. The only righteousness that’ll get you into heaven is God’s righteousness. The only way you’ll get that is trusting in the shed blood and finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
ОтветитьGod's name is Ha'wahd, or anglicized would be Howard.
ОтветитьFor all the talk of fraternity, esoterism, etc, what nobody seems to talk about is the concept of structure. At one time, recently, the heads of masonry in England and Scotland were a member of the "royal" family and a hereditary peer. Masonry seeks to maintain established societal order, in Britain, at least.
ОтветитьSounds good. Sign me up.
ОтветитьYou were successful at talking about nothing and boring all the watchers to turning you off. Congratulations. You sound like a fool.
ОтветитьMate you havent explain the real story... just pls go a little back into the crusaders era and you will find more and exclusive history about the freemasons...
ОтветитьIn my community, a small town, there is one Masonic Temple. It is by no means the prettiest of Masonic Temples. It’s basically a donga-styled, small structure located on a very quiet suburban street. The vast majority of my community doesn’t even know where it is, or what Freemasonry even is when I ask them general questions. This suggests to me if Freemasonry somehow became defunct, no one would even notice (well at least in my community anyway). Take what you want from this, if you’re a Mason or not. To me as a non-mason it seems that the decline is real.
ОтветитьI won't say anything in here, it's not properly Tyled
Ответитьralph epperson exposed the masons worship lucifer the light bearer sun - to be leaders over the sheeple - thinking The Infinite One will not pay them back measure for measure for misleading the blind sheeple
ОтветитьCan you do a video about the eastern star?
Ответить"In the end, free masonry simply allowed people from different races and ethnicities to work together". . . Ya, that'll do it. No wonder everyone is scared of them lol
ОтветитьThe Illuminati are the hidden 34th degree of Freemasonry. Freemasonry is designed to keep safe the Illuminati from Kings who would deny those people who deserve power to have that power. It's the protection of meritocracy vs the established order. A new order of people who earn their right to be philosopher kings vs the old world of families who think they should rule by divine right. That's the secret. God's wink. Anonymity and invisibility by design. The real Devil is old. It is not a New World Order but an established greedy one. They keep each other in check though. Scapegoating the "New World Order" prevents them from becoming the exact same thing and ensures their intentions are pure. Snakes and angels exist on both sides. Do not swerve to the left or the right, take the narrow way, keep your feet from evil.
ОтветитьAnother definition of "esoteric" is "occult." "Anti-Mason?" Imagine that. Anything wrong with being anti-Lucifer? And the Illuminati co-opted the FreeMasons to avoid being executed as Illuminists. A couple hundred Illuminists were executed in Bavaria.
ОтветитьThe "god" of FreeMasonry is Lucifer. Read Helena Blavatsky, Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall, you yutz.
ОтветитьYou're completely full of crap. There have been many expose's of FreeMasonry by ex-members who felt compelled to reveal Masonic secrets despite having taken blood oaths meant to prevent it. Your ignorance is exceeded only by your arrogance.
Ответитьstop hiding flat earth from the goyim
ОтветитьThis is my initials I'm v g I'm the holy 3 I'm the knowledge way love of god this is me the chosen one 7 holy gifts from god my date of birth is 3.8.1983 im the god you sll talk of im a sun sign
ОтветитьThere is the one conspiracy: to have a buffet style meal in the Fellowship Hall before every meeting.
ОтветитьThis year, I am the 114th Master of my Lodge. It’s a great fraternity!
ОтветитьMorals and Dogma written Albert Pike illuminati devil worshipper
ОтветитьIf you know one you know them all, did not have any good impressions!
ОтветитьMy grandmother was a massive figure in our regions freemasons. Daughter of the founder of one of the first mixed loges in our country. Responsible for rebuilding the loge whem after some drama it almost got disbanded and all around a person who was always out to help others with anything. It was crazy how at her funeral it seemed like the entire damn loge was there.
ОтветитьElks, Lions Club, knights of Columbus they all have secrets. Its always puzzled me why we get so much heat . I guess because we are the oldest. They are similar to exactly what we do . From what I’ve heard. People say we take oath. We do also cops military all take oaths no question on them. It’s a shame. We will always get a bad name. I’m proud to be a Freemason. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. My Brothers are my family!!!
ОтветитьI find the largest stumbling block to understanding the Free Masons is that there are the pro-Masonic sources, the anti-masonic sources, the skeptics, and the ignorant. All have put out a plethora of information and thus one cannot be certain of what is reliable information. Every source is insistent that their word should be heeded, but there is always a counter-narrative to "debunk" the other and share the "truth." It's like listening to the mainstream media talk about politics, political figures, policies, and their intentions. So how one sifts through the myths, mendacities, and propaganda can be daunting.
Ответитьsounds too good to be true, its culty but doesnt do bad stuff? like no way they could cover up with the amount of eyes on them either, weird stuff
ОтветитьLodge members are not discouraged from visiting, in NH we are encouraged to. When I go to other states or nations I always visit the lodges there and make new connections. I'm not sure where you got that information from but it might only apply to some areas, lodges or branches.
Overall good video just that one thing!
VERY IMPORTANT FOR HUMANITY!!There is a special technology of conspirators. They can track a person from a distance via a satellite with an infrared camera and use the radiation at the right moment to cause the person to stumble on stairs, cause a thinking blackout, or cause the extreme blinking and eye twitching seen in Hollywood films have no known cause in medicine. They can cause constipation, erection problems, headaches, upturned nose, runny nose, suffocating feeling in the chest, suffocating feeling in the head and much more. they can speak in the room where the person being tracked is in so that they can be heard in the room, they can speak in such a way that you only perceive them in your head as your own mental voice, and they can speak while I speak so that my throat speaks his words. They engage one family per person tracked. They already know substances that preserve the human body so that the cells do not age, and substances that put the body on standby so that only the brain and the heart have to work regularly and therefore little energy, no sleep and no food or drinking is necessary. That is why they can commission a family from birth to death for an ordinary citizen. In addition, they have managed to digitize people's eyes, ears and brains and access this data remotely, i.e. H. the visual images, the mental text voice, what you hear with your ears and what you see with your eyes. Through mental power they can show themselves in the citizen's mind as the person they are, they can also show themselves in our minds as another person or something else, through an artificial intelligence that can control this dedicated family using voice recognition. Believe it or not, they can even transfer any thought or feeling they want to the persecuted citizen in such a way that they understand it the same way.
ОтветитьIt's gnostic and pagan garbage.
ОтветитьA very good video, well done.
ОтветитьIf anyone really believes they are going to get Ma-Ha-Bone, Hiram Abiff, "traveling man" and other such secrets by way of this "Today I found Out" video, they are dreaming.
Although I have subscribed to him for years, I just got around to this video and somehow I knew with the prevalence of Masonry in the UK, actually getting a truthful video was never going to happen.
Unsubscribe and downvote.
Zimbabwe 🦲
ОтветитьLOL, you imposing weather a conspiracy or not it NOT a good look brother. Especially since B'nai B'rith is Freemason founded.
ОтветитьDont like your station really norrow minded and selective in its presentation.. worst kind of info
ОтветитьPoint blank, Freemasonry is satanic and is one of the oldest organizations of Illumined “knowledge”. These masons are being manipulated and groomed as puppets for the one world Luciferian order when the Anti-Christ, Satan comes back to this earth… Repent of your sins, except Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and he will save you before judgement of us ALL. John 3:16