Proof a Mysterious Lost Ancient GLOBAL Civilization Spanned Virtually the Entire Planet…

Proof a Mysterious Lost Ancient GLOBAL Civilization Spanned Virtually the Entire Planet…

Bright Insight

4 года назад

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@marcostoffoli - 27.01.2024 14:31

The Bible, believe you or not in God, explains that a ancient civilization that had giants living among men, a global one, where destroyed by a global flood. Of course, it only remained their "rocks"

@rogue1049 - 26.01.2024 12:40

Bros, you're taking this waaay too seriously :)

@sapphirebarnett8616 - 25.01.2024 15:33

Solar flare in my opinion

@dariomicanovic8440 - 24.01.2024 16:33

You need to make a video about the pyramids in bosnia.

@mezsmith - 24.01.2024 08:07

Polygonal walls and pyramids being global is not a coincidence
Worldwide infrastructure imo

@craigthomson3112 - 24.01.2024 02:22

Doesn't japan have identical face masks to Egypt?

@georgephilippou9814 - 23.01.2024 15:51

Obviously you need to read more regarding ancient global civilisations…

@jamoecw - 23.01.2024 00:00

the doors being trapezoidal is a function of engineering. if you make a door or window and use weak materials you will not have square portals. the weaker the material the more angled you will make them. trapezoidal portals thus makes perfect sense given the materials. the rest of the 'coincidences' suggest limited contact, which if you understand evolution and ancient migration then this is a given (humans evolved in Africa and migrated to the rest of the world, thus traversing long distances over long periods of time). the big shift in non-engineering design indicates that they did not share culture, and thus were not strongly connected.

@nixonsmateruby1 - 21.01.2024 22:11

I have proof of an ancient civilization. I believe they travelled south and then west and east. I have detailed artefacts. The hunt is over.

@jn9312 - 21.01.2024 21:33

Fallen Angels taught humans around the world similar knowledge. Possible these are remains of advance ancient civilization prior to the Great Flood.

@ajsparkman - 21.01.2024 21:23

I don’t think they can’t see it. I think the “experts” don’t want to be kicked out of the group-think club. If this stuff is true, it makes the Bible more credible.

@user-wf5gc6zz8r - 21.01.2024 04:37

I have a question and a theory.
Why is there no pyramids in the USA?
I think is because it was cover by ice glaciers so all of this had to happen 12000 years ago

@JeffRobinson-vc1mg - 19.01.2024 14:01

Yeah they did exist! Gobekli Tepi goes back to about 9,000 bce and even earlier, so why is it so hard that some people in the age of the hunter/gatherer were more advanced than others?

@manuelbang2086 - 18.01.2024 19:51

Pyramids were created using conversion of sand into stones technology

@bobbyverne9714 - 18.01.2024 16:33

Modern day scientists follow a strict acceptance of what is allowed by the "powers that be" otherwise they're shunned, unable to be published, and defunded by main stream academia. Never to be heard of again!
This undeniable evidence you're exposing, Jimmy, is fantastic! I saw you on "The Joe Rogan Experience". You guys were awesome! You need to get with Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock, now that would be a great show!

@dylanroy4890 - 18.01.2024 11:02

The nubs are discharging electrical current. Hence why they’re around the corners and doors and bedrock aka grounding. The Electric Universe Theory did an interesting report on this.

@beaded0priestess - 18.01.2024 03:35

Your research and video make a great complimentary piece to those doing mtDNA genealogy - scientific study of living peoples genes and also ancient skeletons. Since the book, "Seven Daughters of Eve: The Science That Reveals Our Genetic Ancestry" by Bryan Sykes was released in 2002 I am surprised that you have not heard of it. Since Sykes book came out there has been much more information about the different Haplogroups and where they have been found.

@luctherrien4799 - 18.01.2024 02:41

Long ago continents were connected. Would explain why they found tools impeded in coal...350 millions years ago...

@QuaaludeCharlie - 18.01.2024 01:32

Good Work , I Like the Maps ,

Time is only an objects motion relevant to all objects above moving whilst we stay still .
Whenever I hear Planet my brain lights up as People can not live on a Ball , Water would fall off of a Ball , Thermodynamics states that a pressurized system cannot exist next to a vacuum without a solid barrier.

Yet the globe model has a pressurized atmosphere which exists next to space which is a vacuum.

Stop being deceived. The Earth is flat. My Nikon P900 brings a Set Sun Back up proving it never sets . and the Sun will never shine on a Ceiling.

The Universal Terra firma all Earth is Flat and this is where all the Beings are coming from and some from under Water and Earth , But we are all enclosed under the Same firmament , all the Space moves around us , Earth dose not Move , Earth can not Move

We use gas pressure to debunk space that directly represents the heliocentric model.

Space is a direct violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Using science to disprove the heliocentric model is the best way to get people to learn the truth.

If you believe in a globe earth, outer space travel, or virus transmission....


Whenever I hear Planet 0r See your Silly Globe my brain lights up as People can not live on a Ball , Water would fall off of a Ball , Thermodynamics states that a pressurized system cannot exist next to a vacuum without a solid barrier.

Yet the globe model has a pressurized atmosphere which exists next to space which is a vacuum.

@rolandobravium1873 - 17.01.2024 07:26

Interesting video. Would love to see some peer reviewed papers on this hypothesis.
While it’s not surprising to see similarities in the old continents, how much of it is that there’s only so many ways things can be designed, resulting in similarities.

@jenme7926 - 17.01.2024 03:10

This evidence makes the scientists look dumb.. if they can't piece the clues together, but we can..

@maryland8532 - 16.01.2024 16:39

Every civilization is closely RELATED! I thank you for pointing out similarities. Only a flood could separate these civilizations. Tropical forest found in the polar areas of the globe are real, but why have they tried to cover up these facts. Because it proves the FLOOD! My thought on the NUBS is a series of braces for scaffolding used for building.

@GM-mz5sm - 16.01.2024 05:16

Please spare yourself the headache and accept that Africa is the cradle of civilization, in which Africans migrated around the world over time. Solved.

@GrowYoungerNow - 15.01.2024 16:47

totally agree and always questioned it but to my amazement, it did not seem weird to others. Thanks for putting this video together! Well done!!

@heavenboundtoourlord - 15.01.2024 08:11

Just as the 'ancient' giant fossilized animals and plants, all the pre-flood people were giant, even in their smallest specimens. They lived many many hundreds of years and not only had brains more than twice our size and corresponding vastly superior intelligence, they had flawless memory as well. Theirs was an evidently global religious advanced culture whose wicked worship, marked by human sacrifice and worship of the dead (necromancy; spirit seduction; following fallen angels) called for global judgment. Radiometric dating relies on multiple assumptions (blind faith), which is why it is so often wrong by millions of years. It does not require millions of years to produce coal oil and fossils. It does require a global flood to get everything we find when examining the global world-culture antedeluvian graveyard witnessed worldwide. You and I had better get to know this Creator since there were only 8 people on that ark.

“Then “the fountains of the great deep” were “broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.” Water appeared to come from the clouds in mighty cataracts. Rivers broke away from their boundaries, and overflowed the valleys. Jets of water burst from the earth with indescribable force, throwing massive rocks hundreds of feet into the air, and these, in falling, buried themselves deep in the ground. The people first beheld the destruction of the works of their own hands. Their splendid buildings, and the beautiful gardens and groves where they had placed their idols, were destroyed by lightning from heaven, and the ruins were scattered far and wide. The altars on which human sacrifices had been offered were torn down, and the worshipers were made to tremble at the power of the living God, and to know that it was their corruption and idolatry which had called down their destruction. Some of the people bound their children and themselves upon powerful animals, knowing that these were tenacious of life, and would climb to the highest points to escape the rising waters. Some fastened themselves to lofty trees on the summit of hills or mountains; but the trees were uprooted, and with their burden of living beings were hurled into the seething billows. One spot after another that promised safety was abandoned. As the waters rose higher and higher, the people fled for refuge to the loftiest mountains. Often man and beast would struggle together for a foothold, until both were swept away. From the highest peaks men looked abroad upon a shoreless ocean. The solemn warnings of God’s servant no longer seemed a subject for ridicule and scorning. How those doomed sinners longed for the opportunities which they had slighted! How they pleaded for one hour’s probation, one more privilege of mercy, one call from the lips of Noah! But the sweet voice of mercy was no more to be heard by them. Love, no less than justice, demanded that God’s judgments should put a check on sin. The avenging waters swept over the last retreat, and the despisers of God perished in the black depths.” {Patriarchs and Prophets; The Flood}

@user-wz2dd3dj5i - 15.01.2024 02:32

I honestly believed that different cultures met through one important forgotten and forever lost forms of ancient bridges. Alot of people seem to forget about Pangea. In fact, there supposedly were SEVERAL types of natural travel besides Pangea.

@lammabing6401 - 15.01.2024 00:45

To claim that there's no connection does not make sense. At the very least, it should motivate further investigation and discovery. But it's not.. because we aren't allowed to know?

@starbugmechanic5236 - 13.01.2024 23:05

What was that flashed frame toward the end of the video?

@victtorhenriqueferreiradas7472 - 13.01.2024 14:48

Those Stone Nubs are biological, not geological. Those stones are petrified parts of living beigns. Thats why they have all some brown/red parts, because of the blood. Check out Mudfossil University, he explains very well!!

@NG35129 - 13.01.2024 10:37

We've been lied to and still they lie. Why hide ancient history. I think it's deeper than soodo science.

@bdboggan1 - 12.01.2024 13:45

Seems unlikely that one single flood event would create those kind of water striations in bedrock. Typically water striations would be made by years of flow carving the rock. That looks more like glacial striations which would be far more strange given where they are located.

@Dougfrilled - 12.01.2024 09:23

Sage wall anyone?

@viniciusornelas2160 - 12.01.2024 03:14

This civilization for sure existed, however it wasn't that long ago. Read Fomenko for more understanding on this amazing topic

@racheledwards6497 - 12.01.2024 01:31

I saw you on the Roseanne podcast so i came to check out your channel and subscribe. I loved you on Roseanne.

@gregslone4874 - 11.01.2024 12:43

Many ancient civilizations independently invented bows, spears and the wheel. Those that went on to develop metallurgy invented swords. It's not unthinkable architecture developed similarly.

@jamest4689 - 11.01.2024 07:56

I don’t know if this carries any weight if you look at where the Eye of the Sahara is located on the map of Pangea it’s almost dead center of the entire map. I have no clue if that is a coincidence.

@seanreid349 - 10.01.2024 05:44

Or, was it one continent?

@TheDoctorAndALobster - 09.01.2024 19:17

this is incredibly misleading. everything must be so simple for you...

@RyanJones-rg4ly - 09.01.2024 12:31

Compare our history to infinity it’s a small span of knowledge

@RyanJones-rg4ly - 09.01.2024 12:27

Pyramids were to hard to build for some hence why we’re at steel building today. The pyramids are perfectly made not everybody could fit the bill so they changed to sky scrappers trying to reach the heavens

@RyanJones-rg4ly - 09.01.2024 12:23

Rome was like Trump 24 they new how to cook the books. Scribes run the mind thru information

@RyanJones-rg4ly - 09.01.2024 12:21

I haven’t watched vid yet but I think so too but they weren’t humans like us. They came from another planet.

@GuyHeadbanger - 09.01.2024 04:55

The sculpture of a god fighting a three-headed snake is m.e. not such a good example, as Greek and Hindu language originate from Proto-Indo-European language, suggesting that there may exists similarities in mystic tales from the old times. Same for the mythical weapon trident. Those cultures originating from that old Indo-Europeans have quite some things in common, look e.g. at the gods of the Greek, northern Germanic and Indian pantheon, you will find similarities easily. So yes, Greece, Rome and the Indus culture share the same ancestors.
These similarities would of cause not extend to stone walls or shapes in architecture, they are far to ancient for that, so maybe have a better look on things you can find in cultures with different cultural origins, India and Egypt or Greece an Japan and so on.

@MusicFandom - 09.01.2024 01:33

This video will have no SEO issues for the word "Nubs"

@fko3143 - 08.01.2024 14:32

So I've recently learned about icecap lakes. During the end of ice ages the lakes formed on top of 2 mile high glaciers. This spilled out over the northern hemisphere. Literally burying early civilizations under mud.
